

Cervical Cancer and HPV

Cervical cancer is cancer of the cervix or the cervical area of ​​the bottom of the uterus that connects the uterus with the vagina. Cervical cancer is caused by HPV (Human Papilloma Virus). This deadly disease was caused by a virus is common, therefore we must immediately do something now.

Anyone can be affected

Women-teens to 20 years susceptible to HPV, but did not rule out HPV was also a man. Only the difference when women have reproductive organs inside / hidden so more vulnerable, while men are more open, making them easier to clean. But men can develop penis cancer.

HPV can infect anyone, male or female. There are no symptoms or signs that this virus infects a special moment, so many people do not realize that he was exposed to HPV or even pass it. There are over 100 types of HPV; 30 species of which infect the genital area and if not treated / detected early, some types can develop into more serious, even life-threatening condition. In general, HPV infection can be cleared by the body without showing signs and symptoms. Certain types of HPV can cause cervical cancer disease and other types can cause warts Skin diseases Gender.

1. Causes of HPV:
multiple partners, hands to genitals (wipe), mouth (kissing), condoms,
environment (eg, adolescents prefer to borrow each other's underwear / cd),
Hospitals (eg non-sterile gloves).

2. Which can be exposed to HPV:
Mouth / throat, penis, vagina, etc. (not just the cervix).

3. What to watch out for:
whitish, among others: the foul smelling, itching, change shape like a powder / powder, such as dairy sour / stale / yogurt, discolored brown / black,
bleeding after intercourse (but not always).

4. Prevention:
Vaccines (can already be implemented in the pediatric and content), avoid multiple partners, Pap smear for those who are married at least once a year, avoid using cleaners / deodorizers vagina (inside the vagina has been found infection-preventing substance, so that the use of cleaners / deodorizers that it can be deadly substance is), make it a habit to change pads at least every 2 hours (usually lazy teenager with a reason to live a little), maintaining hygiene, maintaining health eating.

5. When you've got Cervical Cancer and HPV disease:
Perform therapy regularly, keep healthy food 4 5 although probably not be perfect (due to already existing abstinence from food).

Safe Driving

Some ways to safe drive cars include smart driving, protection lives, saving fuel.

1. Use a seat belt (seatbelt)
Safety belt or seatbelt can protect users from more severe injuries in an accident. Once again not a matter of what kind of car, private cars and car rental, which is important to use seat belts.

2. rearview mirror
Most drivers do not adjust the rearview mirror and do not use it as optimal as possible to be too much to see the vehicle alone.

3. The driver of the Defensive
A defensive driver must be able to drive a vehicle with quiet (not tense). And being able to anticipate the situation of traffic conditions in front of him.

4. Impaired Driving In
Driving is a dangerous job, for it takes full concentration when we are driving. Advisable not to call, or activities that interfere with smoking while driving.

5. Maintain a safe distance
Defensive driver who always provides a space to the front, balakang, and sides. Own car or do a car rental Jakarta, this is an absolute attention.

6. The ideal transfer transmission gear
Currently, many manufacturers began to design vehicles with engine technology products that have a level of highly efficient fuel consumption. However, fuel-efficient engine technology that was not the only aspect that can guarantee the fuel costs can be reduced. Keep Rotation per Minute (RPM) is always below 3,000 rpm, will make fuel consumption more efficient.

7. Use the momentum of the vehicle
When the vehicle will approach an intersection, junction, traffic lights, or want to slow down, lift the foot off the accelerator early and let the car glide before stepping on the brake pedal.

8. Turn off your vehicle engine
If the vehicle stops and the silence is less than 20 minutes, then it would be more economical to turn off your vehicle engine.

9. Pre Start Check
Pre Start Check or initial inspection of the vehicle before we make engines start with a goal to look for any damage or potential problems with the vehicle (tire pressure, the plant lighting)

10. Heavy loads affect fuel consumption
Remove items that are not needed from the car. Remove roof racks when not in use. Use a low speed, when it is carrying goods with roof racks.

Safe Search Kids

Internet is an online media that has a good impact or bad, depending on the users, for people who have been long enough in the online world, certainly enough to sort out what is good and which ones are not. But not so for children, mostly out of curiosity are great, they always want to know and find out something new and new challenges, which sometimes if we are negligent, the use of the Internet can impact is not good for your children. Here is some information to a secure Search Engines accessible for your son or daughter.

This website uses Google technology, but not by Google. Offering search results are filtered for young people with a choice of sites which may be accessed by students who are younger or older.

Kids ask
The questions can be asked to use the phrase, and the results are quite reasonable, but not too heavy for the students.

Search engines are safe for children. Also has a useful reference source for school.

Quintura Kids
This website is more suitable for browsind than search. Ini not the place to menegrjakan task, but suitable for general searches.

Dangers Of Erectile Dysfunction Drugs

In recent years, use of erectile dysfunction drugs is increasing. However, people need to realize, that in fact these drugs can cause harm to the body. Erectile dysfunction (ED) drugs like Viagra, Cialis and Levitra are not limited in use by many people but used by millions of people around the world. The news that 38 people got blind after taking Viagra is really very surprising. It has become a matter of concern for all users. Some eye specialists from the FDA has warned about this in 1998 but no proper action is taken.

Eye specialists say that there may be a possible relationship between blindness and Viagra as a key change of blood flow in the body so it can affect blood circulation to the optic nerve as well. This medicine is used to get the proper blood flow to the penis and this is really happening but limited blood-containing body. As more blood flow to the penis, other parts of the body will be affected because they are not getting proper blood flow.

The main cause behind people getting blind because Viagra can be caused by the fact that these drugs work by distributing the flow of blood in where the "necessary." However, that means there is less blood available to other parts of the body and which can have a major impact on the eye.

Administration (FDA) reported that certain types of blindness occurs in men who suffering from diabetes and heart problems. Erectile dysfunction can also be one of the factors that affect the cases of blindness. The people who take Viagra more affected by this problem. There is not much awareness among people about Viagra and its use. We have to understand or consult with your doctor to find out who all qualified to take this medicine. Benefits and side effects should be mentioned on it

Drug Test

In the case of drug abuse, there are steps that need to be done testing. There is a possibility, the presence of traces of drugs in the body differences were observed. Thus, to detect traces of drugs with different analysis can be considered.

1. Blood tests
Blood is also suitable for research. Blood samples taken from the suspect's body, were analyzed for suspicious substances. Blood samples should not be manipulated.

2. Urine test
To strengthen the analysis, urine samples can also be performed. Urine can be easily removed without invasive technologies, and in sufficient quantities. It takes a longer time, to detect a suspicious substance in the urine, rather than in the blood. Loss of urine tests, is urine can be manipulated in certain ways.

3. Saliva Test
The saliva test, usually taking saliva samples using sterile cotton in the mouth. Saliva is considered the most cocol investigation materials to determine drug abuse.

4. Hair and nail sampling
Also the hair and finger nails and toes are suitable as research material for drug tests. This was done for the examiner, a sample of hair or fingernails. Because the drug stay in keratin hair or nails, no quick conclusions can be drawn about the so-called drug use.

History of Cowboy Hats

John Batterson Stetson was an American who was born in Orange, New Jersey in 1830. Until now the Stetson name attached as part of the term "the real Stetson hat" or that we are familiar with the common cowboy hat. Stetson created the forms and models of caps by mistake while working as gold miners in Colorado. Stetson made ​​fur hat from the base material, because in addition to strong too easy to be formed in accordance with the desired model.

At first, Stetson hat shape is considered odd or unusual, often even used as a joke of his colleagues. But sooner or later prove that the existence Stetson hats are very useful. The wide side serves as a protection against rain water, then in times of hot weather, there are air pockets in the upper end of the Stetson hat that provides insulation to the head, so the temperature inside the hat to stay cool. Even the head of the Stetson hat (crown head) can be used to take drinking water.

Based on stories told from generation to generation, which uses the first cowboy hat Stetson redeem it for five dollars in gold. At that time he met with John Stetson cowboy on a journey, the Stetson cowboy hats are interested in and decided to buy it.

1865, John B. Stetson decided to end the adventure "wild-wild-west-its" and settled in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Stetson hats later founded the production house with an outdoor model that he found the first time (cowboy hat, cowboy hat). His first model was officially named "Boss of the Plains". 1886, Stetson hat company has become the largest in the world and in 1906, this company has been producing 2 million cowboy hats. Until now the basic model and how to manufacture Stetson cowboy hats has not changed much since it was first produced in 1865. Stetson hat is then attached to the legenda2 world "Wild West" as Buffalo Bill, Calamity Jane, Billy the Kid, Will Rogers and even Lucky Luke.

Bohemian Rhapsody Lyrics And Video

Is this the real life?
Is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide
No escape from reality
Open your eyes
Look up to the skies and see
I'm just a poor boy (poor boy), I need no sympathy
Because I'm easy come, easy go
little high, little low
Anyway the wind blows, doesn't really matter to me, to me

Mama, just killed a man
Put a gun against his head
Pulled my trigger, now he's dead
Mama, life had just begun
But now I've gone and thrown it all away
Mama, ooo
Didn't mean to make you cry
If I'm not back again this time tomorrow
Carry on, carry on, as if nothing really matters

It's too late, my time has come
Sends shivers down my spine
Body's aching all the time
Goodbye everybody - I've got to go
Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth
Mama, ooo - (anyway the wind blows)
I don't want to die
I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all

I see a little silhouetto of a man
Scaramouche, scaramouche, will you do the fandango?
Thunderbolts and lightning - very very frightening me
Galileo, Galileo,
Galileo, Galileo,
Galileo Figaro - magnifico-o-o-o

I'm just a poor boy nobody loves me
He's just a poor boy from a poor family
Spare him his life from this monstrosity
Easy come easy go - will you let me go
Bismillah! No - we will not let you go - let him go
Bismillah! We will not let you go - let him go
Bismillah! We will not let you go - let me go
Will not let you go - let me go (never)
Never let you go - let me go
Never let me go - ooo
No, no, no, no, no, no, no -
Oh mama mia, mama mia, mama mia let me go
Beelzebub has the devil put aside for me
for me
for me
for me

So you think you can stone me and spit in my eye?
So you think you can love me and leave me to die?
Oh baby - can't do this to me baby
Just gotta get out - just gotta get right outta here

Ooh yeah, ooh yeah
Nothing really matters
Anyone can see
Nothing really mattered - nothing really mattered to me
Anyway the wind blows...

Backpacker Travelling Tips

Bored with leisure activities that-that's it? Going by plane, check in at the hotel or motel, visiting museums or shopping malls and enjoy dinner at a fancy restaurant might have become a normal thing when traveling.

If you are traveling agendas tend to be boring, why not try a little challenge? Backpacker-style travel occasionally try to bring crude supplies.

Backpacker-style travel is at greater risk than a way to travel in general. Therefore, there are six things you need to know when I want to travel backpacker style, quoted from Helium:

1. Research
It's good if you do some research first region or country to be visited. Learn the language of the country, but you do not have to understand it fully. Enough to know some of the most basic phrases, like 'hello', 'goodbye', 'thank you', 'please', 'excuse me' or 'do you speak English? ". This will allow you to ask for information to local residents. Local people will also feel valued if there are strangers who know their language, although only slightly.

Recognize also the customs and cultures in places you visit. Every country has the etiquette of each of the things that are prohibited or allowed in their territory. The more you know, will further facilitate your backpacking trip. Find out routine activities in the country or region, such as festivals or traditional activities.

2. Invite Friends
When backpacking, it would be more exciting if you take two or three friends. In addition to seseruan together, the experience gained will be more interesting and you certainly will not be alone when lost in the middle of nowhere.

3. If necessary Bring Goods
Practicality and convenience are the most important thing to bacpacker when packing. Simply bring the packing supplies 'travel size'. You do not need to carry large packages of toothpaste, or a large bottle of shampoo and liquid soap. Small bars of soap would be more practical than liquid soap was taken.

4. Clothing and Shoes
A backpackers are advised not to bring too many clothes, which means, you have to frequently wash it while traveling. Therefore, bring clothing that dries quickly after washing. Also make sure you bring comfortable clothing and practical subject.

For shoes, be sure to take comfort when walking away, long standing or running. You need to bring three pairs of shoes: sandals waterproof, flat shoes or kitten heels to visit the club or shopping center and a comfortable sneaker.

5. Do Transfixed in Comfort Zone
When being a backpacker, you must be open-minded and respect people. When traveling with money and makeshift equipment, you probably will encounter some obstacles. You have to deal with a patient and calm because it's where seninnya backpacker-style vacation. Try the good lines of communication with other backpackers and locals local. Maybe some of them were acting strange or unpleasant but avoid being defensive and a lot of arguments.

6. Dare to Take Risks
The most interesting part of traveling is an adventure. Do not be afraid to take risks, but still calculate everything carefully. For example, you could try to explore the historic sites go into areas that are rarely visited by people or try the unique and distinctive culinary in the country you are visiting. However, always be wary of where you are and with whom you shared. Avoid things that interfere with concentration, such as drinking too much that makes you drunk.

Natural Ways to Grow Hair In Instant

There are many promising products for beautiful hair and thick. But, before buying expensive products, you should consider it. Try the following home-based product, which is not less effective to make hair grow faster. Quoted from Medic magic, four solutions with a material that can be found in the house below, effective to grow hair.

Olive oil
Useful products that can be found in almost any kitchen is olive oil. Olive oil not only enhances the process of hair growth, but also can nourish your scalp condition. Put four to five drops of olive oil after shampooing, then massage the scalp. Instead, make the night so zaitu absorbed oil content of the scalp. In the morning, wash your hair until clean.

Another way to grow hair is with egg yolk. Apply egg yolk on the hair and scalp. Then, massage the scalp for 10 to 15 minutes. After that, wash your hair with shampoo to clean, so as not to leave the fishy smell of the hair. It's good, do this process three to four times a week.

Coconut milk
One of the most popular technique used to enhance hair growth is the application of coconut milk into the scalp. Apply 300 to 500 ml coconut milk into the scalp and hair, cover hair with warm towel and let stand for 15 to 20 minutes. Then rinse with cold water. By doing this treatment, the hair will also become more soft and shiny. When done regularly, can be seen significant results in hair growth. Do this process three to four times a week.

Coconut oil
Dandruff can inhibit hair growth. To get rid of dandruff and hair grow faster, you could rubbing coconut oil on the scalp to the hair. Make sure all the hair root exposed to coconut oil. If this process is done every day, then within 15 days, dandruff will disappear and will get strong hair roots, so that hair growth can be faster.

Delicious Foods That Can Reduce Weight

Losing weight does not mean you can not enjoy a delicious meal. Here is a unique way to pamper your taste buds without making fat and stay healthy of course.

Shrimp Cocktail
Shrimp is a food which is the source of protein (8 calories), which can speed up metabolism and keep you full for several hours. At other times when you want to eat out for dinner, start with an appetizer of shrimp cocktail Shrimp cocktail alias.

If you want to cook it at home, the sauce used is very easy. Simply mix 1 teaspoon of tomato sauce with 1 teaspoon of Tabasco (to make more varied taste, add lemon or add a little feeling spicy sauce)

Spicy Chicken Salad
Adding a very spicy sauce that can make eating a slow tempo. So you will be full sooner. For a simple lunch, prepare any chicken salad. How, to prepare 1 piece of chicken breast that has been diced, 1-2 teaspoons low-fat mayonnaise, hot sauce to intrigue, and some vegetables into the composition of the salad in the kitchen. Serve with some lettuce and a glass of white water course.

Pumpkin Pudding
Custard cream has less calories than 150 calories and this can help you lose weight. Combine 180 ml non-fat vanilla yogurt with half cup of fresh pumpkin that has been mashed or blended and a little cinnamon. Pumpkin will be mixed with yogurt (rich in protein and nutrients) and will produce large amounts of fiber. Mixture of protein and fiber in the stomach will make it full. So you do not need to chew food again for the next few hours.

Vegetable Soup
Research has shown that eating a bowl of vegetable soup that is rich in fiber, can reduce 20% the number of calories contained in the body. Soups able to eliminate hunger and capable of filling quickly, so you can eat main meals with smaller portions.

Cucumber Salad, Tomato and Onion
Try the classic version of the Mediterranean salad is low in calories. Prepare one cucumber, one tomato, red onion and a half. Then mix all the vegetables had been with Vinegarette (a mixture of oil and vinegar with mustard and
garlic) or with vinegar, plus 1 teaspoon olive oil. This salad has the amount of calories of less than 150 calories. This is because the high water content in the salad ingredients. Examples of low calorie cucumber and topped as a food that is able to reduce weight.

Ginger green tea
enjoy a cup of low-calorie tea can relieve stress after a long day. As a bonus, the study said, drinking green tea may speed up your metabolism. Combine your green tea with a piece of ginger for a flavor enhancer.

7 Most Beautiful and Fascinating Aquarium in the World

UShaka Marine World

Africa's largest aquarium - UShaka Marine World, located along the coastal plains between settlement limits and the port in Durban. KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa; a charming amusement park and in addition also as the 5th largest aquarium with 32 tanks of water. Marine animals which can be found from tiny seahorses to sharks and dolphins. Akurium is intentionally designed to look like part of a sunken ship cabin.

AquaDom, the Radisson Hotel Aquarium

Development of The AquaDom was inaugurated in December 2003 and cost around 12.8 million Euros. Acrylic glass cylinder was built by U.S. companies, Reynolds Polymer Technology.
Outer cylinder was assembled on site from four pieces; the inner cylinder is made in one piece elevator. The AquaDom is the largest acrylic glass cylinder in the world, with a diameter of more than 11 meters long and was built as high as 9 feet above the foundation.

Virtual Aquarium 32 Million Dollars

Feeling under the sea, that's what my friend might feel when going into one of the new mall in Beijing this stand. Because the roof canopy of 250mx30m sized LCD screens, in addition to protection from the sun's heat, guys can also see the atmosphere of a typical submarine. LCD screen 80 feet tall is a combination of 5 wide LCD screen that has 7500 square meters (as a football field area ratio is only 5500 square meters). But, do not ask the total cost of installation, the installation of LCD screens is spending $ 32 million.

Dubai aquarium in Dubai Mall

Stingrays (stingrays) are swimming in the aquarium in Dubai Mall Dubai. Have an area equal to 50 X-ball field. The Dubai Aquarium - broad, entertaining, and designed to perfection. Consisting of three decks and the glass tunnel that shows the exoticism of underwater life.

Georgia Aquarium, Atlanta

The world's largest aquarium, located in Atlanta. A stunning home for lenih than 100,000 animals and 500 different marine species. With a capacity of 8.1 million gallons (31,000 m³) of water the ocean fresh.

Churaumi Aquarium, Okinawa

Second Largest Aquarium in the World, Churaumi Aquarium, part of the Ocean Expo Commemorative National Government Park, located in Motobu, Okinawa, Japan. Capacity of 7500 m³ (1,981,290) seawater. One of the few places where visitors can see an amazing variety of sea creatures such as sharks sized rakasasa.

The Aquarium of Western Australia (AQWA)

AQWA, a world of underwater adventure that is difficult to believe that there is in Western Australia. "from the cold water to the south seas tropical paradise containing rocks and coral reefs in the North.
AQWA is the aquarium which was officially opened as the World Underwater (Underwater World) Perth on 13 April 1988 and the acquisition by the owner who is now a new, Coral World International and Morris Kahn, in 1991. Later changed its name to the present (AQWA) on January 1, 2001. This facility has accommodated approximately 400 species of marine animals.

Beauty Secrets for Women in Different Countries


Clean skin glow of Swedish women because they enjoy a diet of fruit and fish. In addition they are also diligent sauna bath. To moisturize the skin can use a sauna with the aroma of green tea and eucalyptus leaf oil mixture is added olive oil


Japan? The secret of seaweed and fish! Two of these foods will stimulate the skin and make skin supple, healthy and bright.


Spanish women also have beautiful hair. They are diligent in washing their hair with cranberry juice extract.


Israeli women love to do a ritual detox to remove toxins in the body. The trick? mix 1 / 4 cup salt (sea) bath, a tip tablespoon kelp powder, 1 / 2 cup olive oil and 10-15 drops of lavender oil. Voila, created as a scrub once a week.


Beautiful hair? Yes, Italian women for example. The trick? Combine 1 cup plain yogurt with 1 teaspoon olive oil. Rinse the hair and let sit for 5 minutes. Rinse with cold water.


France is famous for women who like to treat yourself to a salon. Ranging from facials to massage and scrub. Other way? using a mixture of Cherry and Pomegranate fruit. Blend and apply on face. Let stand for 5-6 minutes. Now your skin will be more bright and humid.


Greek women's skin is the best type of skin ever. They have good skin pigment and is less susceptible to attacks due to sun spots. The secret? They like to eat fish and consume fish oils rich in omega 3 and 6 are good for skin elasticity. Another secret? Olive oil or fruit directly.


Women in rural Australia, especially Aboriginal people have a ritual using yarrow flower roots to eliminate and prevent stretch marks on the skin. Root extract is also able to make skin soft and combat swelling.


Chilean women are exotic skin looked healthy and was very simple secret that is diligently eating antioxidant-rich wine. Other way? fruit puree of red wine and add 2 tablespoons of flour powder and apply to face as a mask let stand for 10 minutes and rinse face with cold water.

Dominican Republic

Women of this country have a healthy and strong nails. The secret? Garlic! Puree the garlic and place in airtight bottles for 7-10 days. After that garlic can be used for seasoning foods as well as to mask the nail (so shiny and strong).


Queen Cleopatra was already known to have an incomparable beauty. Women who conquered many hearts he was pleased milk baths to rejuvenate the skin and discard the layer of dead skin. Add 2 cups of whole milk in your bath water well so that added beautiful skin.

Best Dive Places In The World

1. Bali, Indonesia
Bali is beautiful, exotic is the jewel in Indonesia and a haven for various tourism activities. From luxury resorts to spas, recreation into the wild, this island is a complete destination. Indeed, many divers want to include himself, who came here for some of the best marine biodiversity in the world-class instructors and many secret dive site, it is difficult to understand.

2. The Blue Hole
The Blue Hole in Belize is one of the most famous dive sites in the world. This site made ​​famous by Jacques Cousteau, which states that one of the ten best dive sites in the world. You can dive in the turquoise waters and saw some reef sharks, hammerheads and bull sharks.

3. Thailand
Thailand has several famous dive sites: Phuket, Ko Tao, Similan Islands and Surin Islands. In fact, you can pretty much dive anywhere in the country, but the best dive sites are close to Ko Tao and near the Similans. In addition, Ko Tao is a cheap place to learn to dive.

4. Gili Islands
Gilis Island in Indonesia is a new dive spot, with people gathered here in increasing numbers. With good reason - the reef and the waters here provide some stunning visual attractions. And with the island of Bali is cheaper than neighbors, there is more reason to come here.

5. Palau, Micronesia
With a distance of 90 miles of coral lagoon, lived more than 1,000 species of fish barracuda, sharks to jellyfish, the islands that make up Palau in Micronesia is the place to dive. A paradise on the water, so, Palau is one of the few places left on earth where you feel a million miles away from civilization.

The Longest Video on Youtube

here's a video with the longest duration ever uploaded on youtube, along with a duration of 13 hours.

Pranav Mistry, The genius of the Indian Inventors 6th Sense Technology

When viewing a video presentation about this new technology I have come to stare, like an ancient stone age man who saw the first computer. How not? As a practitioner of hardware and software self-taught (if I may call myself that) I always follow the development of information technology and computing. However, the technology that this one really impressed me!

This latest technology called "6'th Sense Technology" or the Sixth Sense Technology. The inventor was a genius from India who is also a famous engineer graduated from MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) was named Pranav Mistry. Pranav by genius has created a tool that combines body movement (gesture) to the world of digital computing. With this technology we can do anything without having to use different tools and without having to be in front of the computer.

The initial idea of this technological discovery is: how we can still perform daily activities easily without having to carry lots of digital equipment such as cameras, cell phones, or laptops, can connect online at the same time continuously to receive and seek information.

As demonstrated by Pranav, with the technology he was able to just phoned with the palm of the hand without a cell phone, take pictures with just a fingertip without the camera, see my book reviews, see the delay on the plane ticket, or Google's open Internet access on a piece of paper, reading the newspaper with animation online, and even ... the transfer of data or text just by menjumput and put it into a computer monitor!

1. Camera: Webcam capture the object in front of and tracking of user's hand movements. Data sent to the smart phone.

2. Colored finger marks: The finger marks are red, yellow, green, and blue which helps the camera capture hand movements. (On the development of this technology Pranav Mistry has created a body motion recognition algorithms so that one day no longer needed colored marks on the finger)

3. Projector: A projector that uses LEDs (light emiting diode) displays the data sent from smart phones to any surface in front of the user's position. Can be wall, paper, hands, or people. Currently Pranav are designing to make a laser projector to a higher sharpness.

4. Smart Phone: A smart phone that is connected to the Web will process the video data using imaging algorithms to identify objects. A special software other make searching the Web for 'translate' hand movements.

How does it work? Patty Maes, the Pranav professor explains that the way these devices work by image and character recognition (image and character recognition). The main tools are hung on the chest consists of a webcam, mini projectors, mirrors, and smart phones. While at the tip of the index finger and thumb both hands placed colored cap (colored sign), which consists of four different colors, red, green, yellow and blue.

The camera identifies the image, face, or text, as well as recognize the movement of the second command ends the index finger and thumb. The projector used to display interface (instead of the monitor) as well as displaying certain data that will be projected onto any media began to walls, paper, until the palm of the hand. While smart phones are used for voice communication and data access with the Web (see picture above).

According to Patty device technology is still a prototype, and it cost no more than $ 350. If the mass-production plans materialize almost certainly much cheaper price with a more simple design and futuristic.

Most Romantic Places in the World

1. Paris

Who the hell are not familiar with the romance of Paris? city ​​for lovers with good food, wine and feel pleasant. Romantic dinner with a beautiful candle near the Eiffel Tower, walk along the Champs Elysees bergandengen or picnic in the park. Paris gave the romance and beauty for couples who fall in love over the centuries.

2. Hawaii

It turned out that Hawaii is the honeymoon destination city in the world, especially among Americans. Whether you are in Maui, or other major islands in Hawaii, this place has always offered the best choice in the morning mate. Beaches and tropical forests, luxury hotel rooms, sports, and many interesting things in the wild!

3. St. Thomas

The city is located in the Virgin Islands, and is a famous coastal city by a range of beautiful beaches and interesting places to shop. The city is filled with hotels that can accommodate couples or even families. In this city also created a limit to the number of parties and party participants, so you will have no trouble if you want to cuddle with your partner!

4. Venice

Travel by gondola on the canals of this city has become a romantic symbol of this city. The trip by sitting close to the couple and in awe to see the beautiful city. Romantic dinner at Italian restaurant with a variety of interesting twists and turns that sometimes takes you to beautiful romantic church. Venice is a place that will make you fall in love and fall in love again.

5. Tahiti

Quiet strip located in the South Pacific, with a beautiful beach bungalows, which lets you swim in the morning calm. Relax on white sand with beautiful palm trees with the hotel employees are ready to help you whatever and whenever. Magnificent scenery at sunset will also not be forgotten easily!

6. Belize

Belize is a wonderful place for couples. The island is located in the center of this reef will make everyone forget the couple because many beaches to be 'privately owned' by the water filled with colorful reef fish will accompany you. You are afraid to swim? not a problem, beautiful beaches and palm trees bergorang awaits you!

7. Maldives

23 islands located in the middle of Ocean Indonesia is one of heaven on earth. Coral islands are very little above the sea surface, and clusters of coral surrounding the island is teeming with life. Small country is indeed beautiful and romantic is the most fitting place for a romantic life.

8. Seychelles

Ocean archipelago in Indonesia is actually located off the coast of Africa and is the most relaxing places in the world. Life of an exotic and tranquil shades will always be waiting for you and your partner. Golf course, spa, fishing trips and fresh tropical drinks will make a pair of honeymooners will not want to return to their home country again.

9. Bruges

The ancient city with a medieval setting in Brussels this is the best way to escape from all the noise of the city. This quiet little town to maintain the condition of the city remained like this condition in the medieval city. The streets are lined with rocks, and small cafes in the open air will make you feel back to medieval times, complete with a variety of romantic and beautiful thing, minus the trouble and fuss.

10. Tuscany

A region full of vineyards, villas, and small towns of Italy, will make you feel like being in a romantic way. You can stay in a historic villa, with the best food and you can bike around the vineyards of your choice and the best wine to drink anyway. If you are in this place, surely you will understand why some people did not want to go back when I got in this place. In short, nothing is more beautiful and romantic in Italy than Tuscany.

Headache 'Stay' Causes Brain Cancer

Persistent headaches, prolonged and chronic may be early symptoms of brain cancer. If you feel it, watch out for symptoms and see a doctor immediately an expert.

Brain cancer did not 'sebeken' other cancers, such as cervical cancer or breast cancer. However, like most cancers in general, brain cancer is a disease is silent (silent killer) is dangerous.

Because of its nature, the brain cancer is often detected only after entering an advanced stage. If the pain in the head has peaked, there is a possibility, the cancer has spread to other parts of the body (metastasis). If it were so, cancer treatment becomes more complicated and risky.

"Therefore, people need to do early detection of brain cancer,"advises Fielda Djuita, radiology specialist Hospital Mochtar Riady Comprehensive Cancer Centre Siloam Hospitals Semanggi, Jakarta.

Like most cancers, early diagnosis and treatment is key to recovery. Treatment of late husband's dance of cancer cells will spread and get into all the tissues of the brain and can eventually cause death.

Symptoms and risk factors

Brain cancer has no symptoms. Signs of brain cancer depend on the location of the cancer attack. Seizures, loss of balance, blurred vision, difficulty speaking, dizziness, loss of eyesight and hearing could be signs of symptoms of brain cancer.

Although not all the signs and symptoms typical of brain cancer, but you should be wary if often experience one or several disorders such as mentioned above.

Meanwhile, There are several factors that cause brain cancer risk. When the family history there has ever affected by this disease, then you have a risk.

In addition, continuous exposure of certain chemicals may increase cancer risk. A smoker is also exposed to higher risk of this disease than nonsmokers. Another risk factor is race. Brain cancer is more common in the white race. (

The Most Amaze Photos Of Guinness Book World of Records

Until this day so many records that have been solved for the record in the Guinness World Of Records, the record does not come-a new record every day, but will always have to be solved, and record-old record will be displaced and replaced by a new achievement.

Here are some moments from the record-breaking world-record-class photographer who immortalized by the Guinness World of Records from various parts of the earth.

10 Mega Projects Buildings In Water

1. Jelly-fish 45 Habitat

Cheap! Designed by Giancarlo Zema, the "Jelly-fish 45 Habitat" comprises five separate levels connected by spiral staircase flashy. The floor is divided into regions called zones-cheesy including study, night, day, guest and places to see. In fact, if you buy a houseboat, you can follow nomenclature, whichever you prefer. 3m viewpoint extends below the surface and looks like a jellyfish is fantastic. Chair-at-sea colossal-standing 10m high and 15m wide.

2 Eco-Island City

Wolf Hibertz want to use the ocean as the future site of the house. Visionary designers have found ways to use sunlight to turn minerals in seawater into limestone. limestone will be used to build a floating island home. Autopia Ampere will begin as a series of wire-mesh armatures anchored on the sea mountain. Once there, they will be directly connected to low voltage current supplied by solar panels.

3. Floating City for Shanghai World Expo

A team of Dutch designers recently revealed plans to build a city that floats on the Shanghai Huangpu River. If built, the city will debut at the World Expo Shanghai 2010. Floating city will have many green elements - it will use river water for cooling and this city will utilize energy development terbarukan.Model exhibited at the Shanghai Sculpture Space, has five balls honeycomb-like, a big one surrounded by four smaller ones, to function as a 3D cinema, pubs, shopping malls and theaters

4. Mermaid-Inspired Aquatic Building

European companies, JDS Architects' Mermaid building with a fine and very silly idea. Wording of the Mermaid show building at extremes every biome on Earth - from tropical islands to the glacial environment. The building boasts a green terrace, a Dolphinarium, hotels and vacation properties. Is this just a glorified cruise ship? Or a new model for personal development that is really responsive to the aquatic environment?

5. AZ Island

AZ Island is a concept of an artificial island capable of movement at sea. AZ Island is the brainchild of Jean-Philippe Zoppini, in cooperation with the firm Alstom Marine to realize his dreams. Floating man-made wonders in a very large proportion. If conceived, it will measure 400m x 300m; quite able to house 10,000 passengers permukaannya.Saat simultaneously on this, the project is being studied for financial and technical capabilities. As anticipated € 2 billion project is proving to be a hard proposition, and have difficulty in heavy construction.

6. Hydropolis Underwater Hotel

Dubai, gagasan membangun sebuah hotel mewah 66 meter di bawah air akan terdengar tidak masuk akal. Tapi di samping arab-Burj al-, pencakar langit berputar, pulau diproduksi dan lereng ski indoor dari modal perdagangan padang pasir, yang Hydropolis akan cocok langsung masuk Dengan biaya UK£300 million,harga kamar dapat mencapai USD $ 5.500 untuk per malam

7. Waterpod

Waterpod houseboat is an island triple-dome that will meet all its energy needs from natural sources. Done with recycled wood, metal, plastic, cloth and other materials, Waterpod will support alternative energy and agriculture irrigation vertical by pure water from the Hudson River.

8. Lilypad

This is where Vincent Callebaut's Lilypad enter into the picture. Proposed as a "Floating Ecopolis for Climate Refugees", a futuristic residential house ecotectural to around 50,000 inhabitants. Amazing backwards to find a place for himself in the year 2100 when half the coastline in the world have disappeared due to increasing sea surface. With stealth Mercedes branding on windows, walls biotic and roof, the roof is covered with grasslands absorb solar energy and the bottom of the submerged serve as a natural seabed to plankton and marine plants, ambition Ecopolis some pretty kickass features a bio-tech functions that will help society floating defend themselves and survive in an increasingly challenging environment future of the earth.

9. Aerohotel

Floating Aerohotel by Alexander Asadov is remarkable architectural designs that would be something nice in look to the future of floating structures. Displaying 200 meters width of the body in different center blocks, like a bicycle wheel with the supporting hand, will attach Aerohotel cafes, restaurants and winter gardens, beside the main hotel.
Asadov Alexander was a Russian architect famous for his deconstructive designs that structured monolithic counter prosperity of the nation.

10. Underwater City

The 'Underwater City' in Bulgaria is the same revolutionary city that the water level is 'built in the middle of the lake, not on an island, but actually under'. In fact, the city is not completely under water, large dams (1377 diameter and 65 feet in height) around the city, there can be accessed via water transport.

About Navy Seal Team 6

Seal Team 6 (ST 6) is now a byword the world community. This Super Elite Team America succeeded in killing Osama Bin Laden in a secret military operation. ST6 was the best American special forces are mysterious. This elite team is technically not bduiakui existence, but managed to perform a variety of large secret military operation in the international world.

Formation ST 6 with a very high level of confidentiality is started from a failure to rescue U.S. hostages in Iran in 1980. Penyelematan an embarrassing failure of the mission that the American military, eventually pushing the establishment of elite anti-terrorist forces operating with a fast and highly confidential.

This team has a specification that is very reliable, so nobody can enter the U.S. military. Anggotanyapun consisting of elite U.S. Navy (Navy) SEAL greatest and elected. SEAL itself is an acronym for Sea, Air and Land special forces operating on land, sea or air. Seeing the qualification is very reasonable if ST 6 is called special forces "Super Elite" America.

The operation of these forces is almost always kept secret. They are outside the military protocol, was involved in a high-level military operations and often are above international law. Note and record the operation of these forces are rarely stored in a file. Like the story of James Bond, the U.S. authorities to deny the existence and involvement of these forces. This high secrecy makes it more mysterious that the team members list ST6 has never known, but several parties to ensure that the CIA has been recruiting members for this special operation team. So not surprisingly they are involved in the CIA mission.

ST 6 is usually a special military operations in maritime areas, such as the rescue ship that was hijacked, oil refineries, or land area which is close to areas such as river waters. Although the location of the ambush bin Laden, on the mainland still ST 6 that deal .. Until this very day existence Navy SEAL Team 6 was denied by the authorities in the U.S. ..

U.S. Navy Seal

U.S. Navy SEALs (The United States Navy Sea, Air and Land) are the special forces the United States Navy, prepared to conduct combat operations non-conventional, domestic defense, direct attacks, counter-terrorism, and other special operations.

Those elected to the Navy SEAL was inaugurated after completing Basic Underwater Demolition basic education SEAL (BUD / S) and a special program called SQT (SEAL Qualification Training), and only then entitled to a special bed the SEAL Trident. Bed is an identifier for the SEALs in the battle along with other special forces units.

Education BUD / S lasts for 6 months. After completing this education, Navy SEALs candidates will also gain the wing jump. Candidates who pass this education program will automatically proceed to the SQT for 15 weeks.

Field Uniform Navy SEALs always be distinguished from the unity of combat units it supports. As in the Vietnam War, SEALs use the camouflage-patterned camouflage tiger uniforms .

Vaginal Discharge Solutions

One disease that often affects women is vaginal discharge. Here are some solutions that are written by the netter:

1. each finished pee dry tissue should be wiped swearing .... trus often replace pantiliners ..

2. Went to the gynecologist
Usually checked cause, mushrooms? bacteria?
If there is still virgin, is usually treated with antibiotics such as SPORACYD or classmates AMOXCILYN 500 g (a patent, do not reply generic)
If it is not virgin, more effective use ALBOTHYL that looks like a bullet is inserted into the vagina, to clean out the vagina can use LACTACYD. For daily hygiene can use a vaginal douche as Betadine or LACTACYD brand, helping to reduce and eliminate itching itching and excess mucus.

3. Abstain from eating seafood, vegetables raw vegetables.

4. Avoid the use of water betel homemade because less hygine.

5. Vagial Discharge is caused by the fungus in the channel region vena.masalahnya because it is very acidic, so it is very easy to mold and bekteri live in it. the solution must continue to maintain the cleanliness and humidity in the region V with baik.jangan use soap containing betel leaf deterjen. Betel leaf decoction is also helpful but must be regular and long term.
6. Which traditionally was only able to remove the smell sementara.tapi not cure leucorrhoea. while the whitish-me-seriously, let alone attached to the wall of the uterus, must be cleared by doctors who usually wear betadine. after that for 3 days to enter a bullet-shaped cream into the vagina.

Healthy Cooking Vegetables

Here are tips how to cook vegetables for good nutrition to stay awake, although it should be in contact with high temperatures during processing.

Grilling. Skin vegetables will keep most of the nutritional value of vegetables. When grilling, vegetables must be accompanied by a high water content so as not to dry out. Vegetables from the roots is the best type for baking, such as potatoes, onions, or tomatoes.

Steaming. Process the vegetables by steaming is probably the best way to cook all types of vegetables. This method can maintain nutrition and vegetables ripen in a short time.

High Pressure / Presto. Cooking vegetables in a high pressure will condense the cooking time so that they can save nutrients. The problem is, if you are too old, even in a short period, vegetable will become mushy. Moreover, all the vegetable has a different texture and density, so make sure the type of vegetable and appropriate period if the high-pressure pans become your choice. As long as you can, avoid cooking vegetables with presto.

Sautéing. This is one quick way to cook vegetables on a flat pan with a little vegetable oil. Above the curved griddle also legal. But remember, when cooking vegetables with oil, fat soluble vitamins may end up with oil. It's good you do not discard the oil.

Cooking without water. This method is good for green leafy vegetables by relying on the water clinging to leaves after washing vegetables. This usually takes three to five minutes.

Boil. Boiling vegetables is the best way is not recommended because the risk of nutrient loss is very large. If you must use this method, add the vegetables only after the water begins to boil and cook briefly as possible. Tips for cooking with boiling:

1. Let the boiling water for approximately two minutes until the oxygen is reduced. Oxygen in water that cause, vitamin C in vegetables evaporate.
2. Never boil vegetables that are placed directly in cold water. It would only reduce the levels of vitamin C, 10 to 12 times.

Prevent Obesity In Children

According to WHO, one of the health problems faced by society of the 21st century is obesity in children. They have estimated that the number of children who are overweight will become more than 42 million by the end of 2010, of which about 35 million live in developing countries.

Obesity can increase the risk of diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, cholesterol, asthma, both in adults and in children. Obesity in children most often begins when children aged between 5 to 6 years and increase when growing up. Research shows that children who are overweight and aged between 10 to 13 years, will have a chance of 80% become obese adults. The results also indicate the occurrence of obesity in children is caused by excessive intake of food (junk food), unhealthy lifestyles and reduced physical activity in children.

As parents certainly do not want the baby having problems especially with his health due to obesity. Some things parents can do to overcome obesity in children.

* Do not get into the habit of children eat fast food (fast food)
* Pilihah white water as children's favorite drink, do not drink sweet or fizzy.
* Give your vegetables and fruits in your baby.
* Limit your child's activities in front of the television or computer a maximum of 1 hour per day.
* Make time for physical activity with children (a walk or play ball) at least 3 times a week

Maintaining Healthy Sperm

For the couple, the presence of children is one of the long-awaited. But not all the couple can be easily endowed baby. There are newly married straight month pregnant, some are waiting till the years. Bernie Zilbergeld, PhD, sex therapist and author of The New Male Sexuality mention that, often times the failure to get the baby through no fault of the woman or men are less good at making love, but because conditions are less healthy sperm.

It is difficult for lay people to know whether his sperm is healthy or not, need to research in the laboratory to find out. Nevertheless we need to try to keep our sperm health in several ways, among others:

1. For male smokers, stop smoking, because it is a lifestyle that is unhealthy and can cause impotence and decreased sperm health.
2. Do not consume alcoholic beverages
3. Avoid the use of underwear or pants that are too tight, use a little more loose pants.
4. Avoid using the water bath is too hot, so keep your testicles cool.
5. Consuming a multivitamin as an antioxidant like vitamin C, E, and beta-carotene. Eating lots of vegetables and fruit. It's also good if you take a multivitamin containing 20 mg of zinc every day.
6. Avoid prolonged stress.
7. Reduce consumption of soft drinks (soft drink).
8. Avoid eating fatty foods to excess. Increase fiber consumption.

Understanding Osteoporosis

As with iron, there are bones in your body that we too have thinning or commonly known as osteoporosis where the bone is thinning due to the lack of minerals and vitamins such as calcium and vitamin D.

Causes of Osteoporosis

Human bone continues to change, while making new bone occurs there is definitely a diuraian old bone. This process is referred to as the renovation process or the regeneration of bone. This occurs naturally in our bones. When we are young age, our body will make new bone faster than the destruction process. Humans have peak bone mass at age 30. Your bones might have osteoporosis depends on how much bone mass that can be found at the regeneration stage.

Symptoms of Osteoporosis

In the early stages of bone loss, usually you will not feel sick or show any symptoms. However, once a bone weakened by osteoporosis, it will display symptoms such as:

1. Severe pain due to the collapse of the vertebrate
2. Loss of height, from time to time
3. Body posture began to bend
4. Fracture (broken) of the vertebrae, wrist, hip or other bone

Treatment and Prevention of Osteoporosis
There are 3 important factors to maintain bone health throughout your life you are:

1. Consumption of calcium in adequate amounts
2. Consumption of vitamin D
3. Perform regular exercise

Unicorn Robot Attack

Robot unicorn is a game that lately a lot of rage. Although based on flash, but this game has tremendous appeal, making it addictive.

Robot unicorn

Your unicorn will start running as soon as the game begins. You just have to press the Z key for jumping and the X key for dashing through obstacles. The more you survive without falling into a hole and without crashing, the more points you will collect. You have three lives, but after that, you will have to restart the game. There is only one level and the unicorn will run faster and faster until you won't be able to control it. A good way to gather more points in Robot Unicorn Attack is focusing on dashing through the large starts that sometimes appear in front of you. The first one you destroy will give you 100 points, the second one 200 and so one. However, if you jump over one instead of destroying it the following one will only offer you 100 points. The flying fairies are only worth 10 points, so you don't have to focus on getting them at all. Holding the Z button will make the unicorn perform a much longer jump, so try to time the release perfectly if you want to land in the right place.

One of the things you will notice in Robot Unicorn Attack is the background melody which will certainly remain in your memory for days after playing it.

Robot Janek Virtual Assistant

Robot Janek is unique. Innovative character. Its uniqueness is in the display witty and jargon utterances youth from a virtual assistant. Janek is one component of a national campaign advertising portal WP.PL e-mail.

Janek a robot revolution.
As far as the graphics is concerned, roBOT Janek is a true revolution. He is endowed with dynamics so far never exerted on such a scale in a Virtual Assistant implementation. A wide-angle lens that was used in the production gives an impression of Janek drawing nearer or farther from the user during the on-line conversation.

Janek can tackle many subjects, not only those concerning WP.PL's e-mail. For the convenience of the users, the most popular topics are listed in a conspicuous box. Moreover, the users can turn off the video presentation without disrupting the conversation's coherence. For those operating on the slower computers Fido intelligence has prepared the slide show mode with Janek's humorous photos. This feature illustrates the innovative and unparalleled approach to the question of a virtual character's on-line presentation.

Last Mission Discovery Shuttle Space

Cape Canaveral, Florida, on Thursday (24 / 2) night time Indonesia will be a witness to the last mission the space shuttle Discovery into space.

The launch of Discovery, as quoted by the BBC on Thursday (24 / 2), scheduled at 09:50 to mark the last trip outside the space vehicle that most often lead the mission in 30 years.

Six person crew of the Discovery astronauts will be heading to the International Space Station (ISS) to deliver various needs of the station and send a robot into a robot called Robonaut the first astronaut in space.

Discovery traveled to outer space more than the outer space of any vehicle owned by the United States Space Agency (NASA). Space shuttle first flew in 1984 has circled Earth more than 5,000 times with an average speed of 17,400 miles per hour.

"You'll see a lot of people witnessed the launch of Discovery this time," said NASA launch director Michael Leinbach. "This is a visitor program of 30 years, not just our job but this is our life. And it is very hard to know this soon be over after we do something important for the country and the world," he added.

Discovery addition, two other programs scheduled for this year before the entire space shuttle program is closed. Space shuttle Endeavor is scheduled to fly in next April with Commander Mark Kelly as head of the mission. Meanwhile, the last plane Atlantis will blast the last time in June despite the U.S. Congress has not approved funding for this mission.

And after the program is closed, then for the first time in 60 years the United States does not have any space vehicle is ready diluncurkan.Kurator the shuttle at the Museum National Air and Space Washington DC Valerie Neal said that so far there is no plan for any mission to the moon , Mars or asteroids.

Typical Japanese Samurai Sword

The division of the types of swords by size. Each blade measured by the size Shaku Shaku where 1 means about 30 cm. Here are some of the types of samurai swords are classified by length.

Ditemukan sebelum jaman Heian sebelum orang Jepang menemukan teknik melengkungkan pedang (yang ternyata unik caranya). Karena pedangnya lurus sulit digunakan dan jarang dipakai dalam pertempuran. Setelah ditemukannya katana, chokuto masih tetap diproduksi tetapi kebanyakan berfungsi sebagai ceremonial sword.

Katana is a typical ninja sword. Each ninja has a katana on their backs. You are a fan of the movie Ninja Hatori, certainly no stranger to this Sword. This sword is a sword with a length generally between 70-80 cm. Type single-edge and curved. used in addition to the ninja, the sword is also carried by the samurai to represent social status. Usually taken in pairs with the wakizashi or Tanto that is used for close-quarters combat where the katana is used to open-quarter combat.

Kodachi is a favorite weapon AoshiShinomori, Gatana Jupon members in the manga series Samurai X. Kodachi longer than the wakizashi, but shorter than the katana. Usually used as a shield in hand - to - hand combat, because not all the katana (less than 2 Shaku) will not violate the rules to bring the sword in the Edo period that may be taken by ordinary people (formerly only allowed to bring a distinguished samurai sword). More curved than wakizashi sword. The sword is light enough so that allows users to move swiftly.

Pedang dengan panjang mata pedang dan gagang yang sama. Termasuk dalam katagori belati, Digunakan untuk serangan mendadak. Penggunaan pedang ini tidak seefisien Tanto. Tapi pedang ini memilki keindahan lebih.

Naginata merupakan tombak dengan mata pisau katana. Digunakan prajurit wanita pertarungan jarak menengah. Gagang dibuat dari kayu dan mata tombak katana melengkung. Sangat cocok untuk tipe pertempuran Chaos.

Hummingbird, Pentagon Nanobot

The Pentagon has sought to develop a robot with nano technology (nanobot) in the form of birds. The Nanobot called Nano Hummingbird. Nanobot was developed by AeroVironment Inc. and DARPA. Some of the writing on the blog mentions that the nanobot can spy.

How to Decorate Bedroom

The bedroom is a privacy room very comfortable and quiet. To maintain such an impression, you need to decorate the bedroom when you've felt bored. Follow these five easy steps to decorate your room in a minimalist home without having to spend a lot of money:

Floor. Chamber is a reflection of their owners. So do not be surprised if every person has the consideration to drop the selection on the floor. Type of floor which can be used are ceramic, marble and parquet. For impression comfortable, use the floor pattern which is not too flashy or plain with a distinguished natural colors like white, beige, black, gray or brown.

Furniture. You do not need to change your room furniture in full. If you want to create a distinguished classical bedroom furniture, you can replace the entire furniture paint your room with color - the color of soft wood. As a complement to the decor, you can add other accessories such as decorative trinkets to remind the passion of love which you and your partner.

Painting. Placement of the painting is one of the simplest and most effective way to change the look of the room. Also change the color of the bedroom wall paint colors with a soft reply. But do not the whole room was painted with a color, because it will quickly look boring. Combine with other color which is more striking. Create interesting color compositions to avoid monotony.

Curtain. Curtains to be important factors in decorating a bedroom. To select the curtains which fit you should consider structuring style rooms. Suppose if a modern setting you can choose curtains roller blinds, vertical blinds shutters draperies curtains atu. Then adjust the color with the bedroom wall. Think also maintain, if you want the curtains which minimal maintenance and dust free, search for such a distinguished material.

To create a romantic feel, can be made with the arrangement of lighting nail. Use light colors distinguished the current trends, such as blue, green, pink or peach to excite. If you are creative, light up your room with dim candlelight. Adding a candle in the bedroom can create dramatic and sensual impression.

Choosing Small Business

So many options to choose a small business. Do you want to run a small restaurant business? Or open a grocery store? It could also service business making cakes or drinks. What about the souvenir business? In principle, all these businesses can be divided into:

1. Business sectors that are still rare or, no one had started.
Some of you may hesitate if you want to start a business that does not exist or is still rarely performed. But that does not mean you will not be successful with this kind of business field.

2. Business field has been done
You can also start a business field that has been done. If it had been many people hesitate to start a new business field, but on the other hand there are many people who hesitate to start a business that has been executed. For example, many people hesitate to open a grocery store business, because the surrounding have a lot to do.

Actually, even if your shop business start-ups, but if you have excess or characteristics compared to your competitors, there is always a chance to succeed. Not to mention the factor of good service, then your efforts, despite being much more competitive once stood can still be successful. Do not discount the factor of this service. Buyers will be very honored if served with a nice and polite and heartfelt. Do not serve while watching television, and so there are people buying the new move as she snapped because pickles are reluctant to leave the television. This will annoy the buyer. Remember Buyer is King, because of our pembelilah benefit.

Tips for Choosing Airfreight (Cargo) Services

Here are some tips that we can use as a reference before we decided to choose the cargo service.

1. The accuracy and timeliness of delivery

Transporter via air or aircraft is a cargo service company that specializes to provide service delivery through the aircraft. Timeliness of this type of service is quite reliable, except in moments of leisure moments like Eid, New Year and Christmas. Because in situations like that pick-season, airlines usually overloaded, thus reducing the performance of service cargo / freight expedition. This type of transportation mode most expensive shipping rates.

Transporter via express train is a service company cargo / freight expedition which specializes to provide service delivery through express trains (train fare orchids and express trains bima). The second train was actually a passenger express train, which is equipped with a carriage of goods in the rear. Timeliness of services is quite good, because accuracy for this express train schedule reliability. The downside of this service is ababila there is a train accident, so that we can be sure there will be delays in goods.

2. Service

Before sending the goods by way of freight expedition, something else that needs to be understood concerning the technical service and delivery of goods, are as follows:

Door to door, is the type of service cargo / freight expedition where customers live phone into cargo service and they will pick up (pick up) to be forwarded to the city of destination and delivery to the address in question. Service is most comfortable for customers, but the cost incurred (fare), the most expensive.

3. Guarantee

It's good before a customer decides to use the services of expedition requesting an explanation of the warranty can be given regarding the company's shipment. Call customer service to ask for clarification about the following: Warranty timeliness, that is what the warranty request can be given regarding the accuracy of cargo service time is promised. This is important, because the warranty period is closely related to mode of transportation used, and shipping costs.

4. Price

Normally price is the determining factor of the above factors. For that we need once analyzed regarding the timeliness and what mode of transportation most appropriate to suit the available budget. If the budget abundant, perhaps shipment via air is a good alternative. In the meantime, if you want to make efficiencies, then cargo via road and rail is the answer.

Car Insurance

Before deciding to choose one of several car insurance products offered:
1. Determine the type of insurance coverage desired. Overall protection (All Risk) provides the best protection, but you need to take into account the economic side.
2.Don't fixated on the size of the premium to be paid. See the company's credibility, especially in terms of service, claims handling and financial capability.
3.Many insurance companies are credible and bona fide, though without the support of re-insurance company. But there's no harm in finding out the track record of re-insurance company (if any).
4.Does the company provides additional benefits?, such as 24-hour claim service, free towing, insurance claim process 24 hours, etc?

Calculate Your Taxes with TurboTax

Do you feel confused about how to calculate taxes? Or you do not understand the tax calculation even on tax laws? Maybe the software, named TurboTax, can help your problem. You really do not need to know anything other than knowing where all your tax documents. This will take you step by step through every possible source of income and any credits that you can possibly think of. And the great thing is this software automatically updates, so if there is a new deduction or credit, it will tell you and you only simply enter your information to find out if you qualify.

Another benefit of using TurboTax is that if you use Quicken software to manage spending and spending, you can easily import the data into TurboTax and it will calculate everything for you.

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Top Survival Tips

Bears' skills are based on special forces training to escape enemies, he charges down hillsides, jumps off cliffs, enters crevaces and so on to find a quick way out. Noone should try that if stuck in the wild. Stroud /Mears show safe techniques we can all use without trying to escape your surroundings. Its very different. Its best not to seek thrills when in a survival situation.

Dog Training Tips

Learn how to teach your dog to stop barking. Standing outside in the freezing cold or pouring rain waiting for your dog to pee is no fun. Learn how you can train your dog to go on command. easy method that you can use to stop your dog from jumping on friends and family. Easy trick to teach any dog how to play fetch (and actually drop the ball at your feet. Leash walking is one og the commands that dog owners have difficulty with.

How To Add Adsense in Wordpress

Make money from google with adsense adn wordpress. How to do it? This video will show you how to put Adsense on your Wordpress blog using a free plugin (Whydowork Adsense Plugin). Adsense is a very popular way of monetizing a website.

Facebook Ending

Quoted from, Sunday (09/01/2011), history of Facebook, which has 500
million users worldwide will soon be over on March 15, 2011.

"Facebook is completely excessive, I must end all this madness. All the pressure is now managing this company has ruined my life," Zuckerberg said in a statement as claimed Statement Zuckerberg allegedly reinforced by Avrat Humarthi, vice president for Technical Affairs up. "After 5 March, everything will be closed. If you want to look
back at your photos, we recommend immediate download from the internet. You will never again take it up our cap," he said.

Still according to claim that site, Zuckerberg assess its decision to close up very heavy. But he felt that the best way for everyone.

"Frankly, this is the best way. Without up, people will go out and create friendships true. It is always a good thing," he said.

Until now, the only site who wrote stories about going to the closing up. There is no official media reported, because the site is only site mere parody. The content is far from the truth.

Differences Between Intel Core i3, i5, and i7

Intel Core I3
Intel Core I3 is a variant of the value compared to two other brother. This processor will integrate the GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) aka Graphics On-board inside the processor. Graphics capabilities with Intel GMA claimed on G45 chipset. In addition, i3 will use hybrid manufacturing, the core processor with 32nm, while the memory controller / graphics using 45nm. I3 product code is "Arrandale".

Intel Core i5
If Bloomfield is the codename for Core i7, the Lynnfield is the codename for I5. I5 is the value of the Core i7 series that will run on Intel's new socket is LGA-1156 socket. Interested when I heard the word value? Exactly! Core i5 will be marketed at a price of about U.S. $ 186.

Intel Core i7
Core i7 is the first processor with technology "Nehalem". Nehalem uses a new platform that really different from previous generations. One is to integrate MCH chipset directly on the processor, not the motherboard. Nehalem also replace the function of the FSB became QPI (Quick Path Interconnect) which is more revolutionary.