

Dangers Of Erectile Dysfunction Drugs

In recent years, use of erectile dysfunction drugs is increasing. However, people need to realize, that in fact these drugs can cause harm to the body. Erectile dysfunction (ED) drugs like Viagra, Cialis and Levitra are not limited in use by many people but used by millions of people around the world. The news that 38 people got blind after taking Viagra is really very surprising. It has become a matter of concern for all users. Some eye specialists from the FDA has warned about this in 1998 but no proper action is taken.

Eye specialists say that there may be a possible relationship between blindness and Viagra as a key change of blood flow in the body so it can affect blood circulation to the optic nerve as well. This medicine is used to get the proper blood flow to the penis and this is really happening but limited blood-containing body. As more blood flow to the penis, other parts of the body will be affected because they are not getting proper blood flow.

The main cause behind people getting blind because Viagra can be caused by the fact that these drugs work by distributing the flow of blood in where the "necessary." However, that means there is less blood available to other parts of the body and which can have a major impact on the eye.

Administration (FDA) reported that certain types of blindness occurs in men who suffering from diabetes and heart problems. Erectile dysfunction can also be one of the factors that affect the cases of blindness. The people who take Viagra more affected by this problem. There is not much awareness among people about Viagra and its use. We have to understand or consult with your doctor to find out who all qualified to take this medicine. Benefits and side effects should be mentioned on it