

Typical Japanese Samurai Sword

The division of the types of swords by size. Each blade measured by the size Shaku Shaku where 1 means about 30 cm. Here are some of the types of samurai swords are classified by length.

Ditemukan sebelum jaman Heian sebelum orang Jepang menemukan teknik melengkungkan pedang (yang ternyata unik caranya). Karena pedangnya lurus sulit digunakan dan jarang dipakai dalam pertempuran. Setelah ditemukannya katana, chokuto masih tetap diproduksi tetapi kebanyakan berfungsi sebagai ceremonial sword.

Katana is a typical ninja sword. Each ninja has a katana on their backs. You are a fan of the movie Ninja Hatori, certainly no stranger to this Sword. This sword is a sword with a length generally between 70-80 cm. Type single-edge and curved. used in addition to the ninja, the sword is also carried by the samurai to represent social status. Usually taken in pairs with the wakizashi or Tanto that is used for close-quarters combat where the katana is used to open-quarter combat.

Kodachi is a favorite weapon AoshiShinomori, Gatana Jupon members in the manga series Samurai X. Kodachi longer than the wakizashi, but shorter than the katana. Usually used as a shield in hand - to - hand combat, because not all the katana (less than 2 Shaku) will not violate the rules to bring the sword in the Edo period that may be taken by ordinary people (formerly only allowed to bring a distinguished samurai sword). More curved than wakizashi sword. The sword is light enough so that allows users to move swiftly.

Pedang dengan panjang mata pedang dan gagang yang sama. Termasuk dalam katagori belati, Digunakan untuk serangan mendadak. Penggunaan pedang ini tidak seefisien Tanto. Tapi pedang ini memilki keindahan lebih.

Naginata merupakan tombak dengan mata pisau katana. Digunakan prajurit wanita pertarungan jarak menengah. Gagang dibuat dari kayu dan mata tombak katana melengkung. Sangat cocok untuk tipe pertempuran Chaos.