

About Navy Seal Team 6

Seal Team 6 (ST 6) is now a byword the world community. This Super Elite Team America succeeded in killing Osama Bin Laden in a secret military operation. ST6 was the best American special forces are mysterious. This elite team is technically not bduiakui existence, but managed to perform a variety of large secret military operation in the international world.

Formation ST 6 with a very high level of confidentiality is started from a failure to rescue U.S. hostages in Iran in 1980. Penyelematan an embarrassing failure of the mission that the American military, eventually pushing the establishment of elite anti-terrorist forces operating with a fast and highly confidential.

This team has a specification that is very reliable, so nobody can enter the U.S. military. Anggotanyapun consisting of elite U.S. Navy (Navy) SEAL greatest and elected. SEAL itself is an acronym for Sea, Air and Land special forces operating on land, sea or air. Seeing the qualification is very reasonable if ST 6 is called special forces "Super Elite" America.

The operation of these forces is almost always kept secret. They are outside the military protocol, was involved in a high-level military operations and often are above international law. Note and record the operation of these forces are rarely stored in a file. Like the story of James Bond, the U.S. authorities to deny the existence and involvement of these forces. This high secrecy makes it more mysterious that the team members list ST6 has never known, but several parties to ensure that the CIA has been recruiting members for this special operation team. So not surprisingly they are involved in the CIA mission.

ST 6 is usually a special military operations in maritime areas, such as the rescue ship that was hijacked, oil refineries, or land area which is close to areas such as river waters. Although the location of the ambush bin Laden, on the mainland still ST 6 that deal .. Until this very day existence Navy SEAL Team 6 was denied by the authorities in the U.S. ..

U.S. Navy Seal

U.S. Navy SEALs (The United States Navy Sea, Air and Land) are the special forces the United States Navy, prepared to conduct combat operations non-conventional, domestic defense, direct attacks, counter-terrorism, and other special operations.

Those elected to the Navy SEAL was inaugurated after completing Basic Underwater Demolition basic education SEAL (BUD / S) and a special program called SQT (SEAL Qualification Training), and only then entitled to a special bed the SEAL Trident. Bed is an identifier for the SEALs in the battle along with other special forces units.

Education BUD / S lasts for 6 months. After completing this education, Navy SEALs candidates will also gain the wing jump. Candidates who pass this education program will automatically proceed to the SQT for 15 weeks.

Field Uniform Navy SEALs always be distinguished from the unity of combat units it supports. As in the Vietnam War, SEALs use the camouflage-patterned camouflage tiger uniforms .