

Vaginal Discharge Solutions

One disease that often affects women is vaginal discharge. Here are some solutions that are written by the netter:

1. each finished pee dry tissue should be wiped swearing .... trus often replace pantiliners ..

2. Went to the gynecologist
Usually checked cause, mushrooms? bacteria?
If there is still virgin, is usually treated with antibiotics such as SPORACYD or classmates AMOXCILYN 500 g (a patent, do not reply generic)
If it is not virgin, more effective use ALBOTHYL that looks like a bullet is inserted into the vagina, to clean out the vagina can use LACTACYD. For daily hygiene can use a vaginal douche as Betadine or LACTACYD brand, helping to reduce and eliminate itching itching and excess mucus.

3. Abstain from eating seafood, vegetables raw vegetables.

4. Avoid the use of water betel homemade because less hygine.

5. Vagial Discharge is caused by the fungus in the channel region vena.masalahnya because it is very acidic, so it is very easy to mold and bekteri live in it. the solution must continue to maintain the cleanliness and humidity in the region V with baik.jangan use soap containing betel leaf deterjen. Betel leaf decoction is also helpful but must be regular and long term.
6. Which traditionally was only able to remove the smell sementara.tapi not cure leucorrhoea. while the whitish-me-seriously, let alone attached to the wall of the uterus, must be cleared by doctors who usually wear betadine. after that for 3 days to enter a bullet-shaped cream into the vagina.