

Facebook Ending

Quoted from, Sunday (09/01/2011), history of Facebook, which has 500
million users worldwide will soon be over on March 15, 2011.

"Facebook is completely excessive, I must end all this madness. All the pressure is now managing this company has ruined my life," Zuckerberg said in a statement as claimed Statement Zuckerberg allegedly reinforced by Avrat Humarthi, vice president for Technical Affairs up. "After 5 March, everything will be closed. If you want to look
back at your photos, we recommend immediate download from the internet. You will never again take it up our cap," he said.

Still according to claim that site, Zuckerberg assess its decision to close up very heavy. But he felt that the best way for everyone.

"Frankly, this is the best way. Without up, people will go out and create friendships true. It is always a good thing," he said.

Until now, the only site who wrote stories about going to the closing up. There is no official media reported, because the site is only site mere parody. The content is far from the truth.