Safe Search Kids

Internet is an online media that has a good impact or bad, depending on the users, for people who have been long enough in the online world, certainly enough to sort out what is good and which ones are not. But not so for children, mostly out of curiosity are great, they always want to know and find out something new and new challenges, which sometimes if we are negligent, the use of the Internet can impact is not good for your children. Here is some information to a secure Search Engines accessible for your son or daughter.

This website uses Google technology, but not by Google. Offering search results are filtered for young people with a choice of sites which may be accessed by students who are younger or older.

Kids ask
The questions can be asked to use the phrase, and the results are quite reasonable, but not too heavy for the students.

Search engines are safe for children. Also has a useful reference source for school.

Quintura Kids
This website is more suitable for browsind than search. Ini not the place to menegrjakan task, but suitable for general searches.

Dangers Of Erectile Dysfunction Drugs

In recent years, use of erectile dysfunction drugs is increasing. However, people need to realize, that in fact these drugs can cause harm to the body. Erectile dysfunction (ED) drugs like Viagra, Cialis and Levitra are not limited in use by many people but used by millions of people around the world. The news that 38 people got blind after taking Viagra is really very surprising. It has become a matter of concern for all users. Some eye specialists from the FDA has warned about this in 1998 but no proper action is taken.

Eye specialists say that there may be a possible relationship between blindness and Viagra as a key change of blood flow in the body so it can affect blood circulation to the optic nerve as well. This medicine is used to get the proper blood flow to the penis and this is really happening but limited blood-containing body. As more blood flow to the penis, other parts of the body will be affected because they are not getting proper blood flow.

The main cause behind people getting blind because Viagra can be caused by the fact that these drugs work by distributing the flow of blood in where the "necessary." However, that means there is less blood available to other parts of the body and which can have a major impact on the eye.

Administration (FDA) reported that certain types of blindness occurs in men who suffering from diabetes and heart problems. Erectile dysfunction can also be one of the factors that affect the cases of blindness. The people who take Viagra more affected by this problem. There is not much awareness among people about Viagra and its use. We have to understand or consult with your doctor to find out who all qualified to take this medicine. Benefits and side effects should be mentioned on it

Drug Test

In the case of drug abuse, there are steps that need to be done testing. There is a possibility, the presence of traces of drugs in the body differences were observed. Thus, to detect traces of drugs with different analysis can be considered.

1. Blood tests
Blood is also suitable for research. Blood samples taken from the suspect's body, were analyzed for suspicious substances. Blood samples should not be manipulated.

2. Urine test
To strengthen the analysis, urine samples can also be performed. Urine can be easily removed without invasive technologies, and in sufficient quantities. It takes a longer time, to detect a suspicious substance in the urine, rather than in the blood. Loss of urine tests, is urine can be manipulated in certain ways.

3. Saliva Test
The saliva test, usually taking saliva samples using sterile cotton in the mouth. Saliva is considered the most cocol investigation materials to determine drug abuse.

4. Hair and nail sampling
Also the hair and finger nails and toes are suitable as research material for drug tests. This was done for the examiner, a sample of hair or fingernails. Because the drug stay in keratin hair or nails, no quick conclusions can be drawn about the so-called drug use.

History of Cowboy Hats

John Batterson Stetson was an American who was born in Orange, New Jersey in 1830. Until now the Stetson name attached as part of the term "the real Stetson hat" or that we are familiar with the common cowboy hat. Stetson created the forms and models of caps by mistake while working as gold miners in Colorado. Stetson made ​​fur hat from the base material, because in addition to strong too easy to be formed in accordance with the desired model.

At first, Stetson hat shape is considered odd or unusual, often even used as a joke of his colleagues. But sooner or later prove that the existence Stetson hats are very useful. The wide side serves as a protection against rain water, then in times of hot weather, there are air pockets in the upper end of the Stetson hat that provides insulation to the head, so the temperature inside the hat to stay cool. Even the head of the Stetson hat (crown head) can be used to take drinking water.

Based on stories told from generation to generation, which uses the first cowboy hat Stetson redeem it for five dollars in gold. At that time he met with John Stetson cowboy on a journey, the Stetson cowboy hats are interested in and decided to buy it.

1865, John B. Stetson decided to end the adventure "wild-wild-west-its" and settled in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Stetson hats later founded the production house with an outdoor model that he found the first time (cowboy hat, cowboy hat). His first model was officially named "Boss of the Plains". 1886, Stetson hat company has become the largest in the world and in 1906, this company has been producing 2 million cowboy hats. Until now the basic model and how to manufacture Stetson cowboy hats has not changed much since it was first produced in 1865. Stetson hat is then attached to the legenda2 world "Wild West" as Buffalo Bill, Calamity Jane, Billy the Kid, Will Rogers and even Lucky Luke.