Showing posts with label Fisika. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fisika. Show all posts

Tekanan Hidrostatis

wikipedia id - Hydrostatic pressure is the pressure that occurs under water. This pressure is due to the weight of water that makes the fluid out of pressure. The pressure of a liquid depends on the depth of fluid in a gravitational space and also specify the water pressure.

This relationship is formulated as follows: "P = ρgh" where ρ is the mass density of fluid, g (10 m/s2) is the gravity, and h is the depth of the liquid.

Conduksi, Conveksi, Radiation

In biology, adaptive radiation is a process in biological evolution where one species into many in order to adapt to particular ecological niche.

Radiation is sometimes also used, inappropriately, to refer to radioactive contamination, the release of radioactive isotopes into the environment. Isotopes were then let go of ionized radiation, which can be made worse if the isotope is absorbed by plants, animals or humans, because the isotope and then remove the ionized radiation from within the organism

Mesin carnot

Carnot engine is an engine that is based on thermodynamic concepts. This heat engine is a hypothetical result that operates in a cycle called the reversible Carnot cycle. The basic model of this machine was designed by Nicolas Leonard Sadi Carnot, a French military engineer in 1824. Thermodynamic processes in the Carnot engine is adiabatic, isokhorik, isotherm and isobaric.

Hukum Archimedes

Archimedes was born in 287 BC in a port city of Syracuse, Sicily (Italy now). In his youth, estimated Archimedes was educated in Alexandria, Egypt.

Archimedes is famous for his theories about the relationship between surface and volume of a sphere to the cylinder. He is also known by the theory and formula of the principle of hydrostatic and equipment to raise the water - 'Archimedes Screw' or Archimedes screws, which are still widely used in developing countries. Although lever or ungkitan have been found long before Archimedes was born, Archimedes is developing a theory to calculate the load required for these levers. Archimedes was also ranked as one of the ancient mathematician and represents the best and greatest of his era. Archimedes' calculation of an accurate representation of the curve ball in to make mathematical constant Pi or π.

Medan gravitasi

However, whether the "gravity" that? So far much effort has been undertaken to understand the phenomenon of gravity. History tells us, first, first conceived the idea of gravity and is described by the master Isaac Newton in Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica is often also called the Principia that first appeared in 1687 (although in fact the idea of gravity has been obtained 22 years earlier), among others, explain the law of universal gravitation in Besides the theory how the body moves in space and time. Law of universal gravitation to explain how objects interact attraction. The idea of universal gravitation law we may understand as follows, "every object in the universe is pulled toward all other objects by an increasingly powerful force with a larger mass objects, and with it close to one another." That is, every particle of matter that are in this universe mutual attraction to each other that the force of attraction is getting bigger when the distance is getting closer and content of the mass of each particle of such material and more.

Hukum Bernoulli

There is a good explanation about the wrong interpretation of Bernoulli's law. In elementary physics textbooks say that the aircraft may be raised because of the difference in speed between the air above and below the wing causes the air pressure differences that generate such upward drift style.

The concept has proved wrong

upps ... not one, but not right ..! theory in the text book, using the assumption that the air flow above and below must be met at the same time ... based on that assumption, it is clear ... no one ...!

BUT ... what is so, the air flow in up and below must be met at the same time? Do not need no memebutuhkan ... and this is what we make a discourse more broadly, the Bernoulli effect is not everything in making aircraft can fly, but he can not be ignored.

Gaya Gesekan

Solar System
The solar system is one of the many subsets of the set of celestial bodies contained in the universe. The solar system consists of nine eight planets, asteroids, comets and meteroid all round the sun.

Newton's Law of Gravitation states: The force of attraction between two masses is proportional to the product of the two masses is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the two masses.
I keppler law states: each planet's orbit ellipse and the Sun is at one focal point.

Throwing objects onto the Leaning (Benda Dilempar Miring Ke atas)

Microsoft Knowledge Base

Microsoft Knowledge Base is a huge source of information, which contains more than 25,000 articles written and collected troubleshooter experts Microsoft for several years. This source is obtained at it's just that, the database, perhaps a bit too complicated for novice users. So in some data info imposed custom systems, which may be easier to understand.

Like your first time visiting, try to check the list of all products that contain articles that may be related to your issue. For example on some versions of Windows, applications that are relevant (including specific versions), and or hardware specific. If no articles about OS in the list, could be the theme of the OS already included in existing articles.

Throwing objects from the Top Horizontal (Benda dilepar dari Puncak)

MOTION parabola (Figure) (formula) Speed Speed X-axis Y-axis position on the X-axis Y-axis position of the Farthest Distance Distance High Time to reach Time to reach the Farthest Point High Point (Concept) 1. What is the motion of a satellite dish? Answer: The satellite dish is a combination of motion (Motion Straight Irregularly) on horizontal (X-axis) and (Irregularly Changed Straight Motion) on the vertical Y-axis) separately and do not affect each other. 2. Mention examples of parabolic motion in everyday life! Answer: - The ball is thrown horizontally - Basketball thrown into the ring - The ball is kicked - The object is dropped from a moving plane.

Gerak Lurus (move straight changed irregularly)

Kinematics is the science of motion, which responds to the motion of an object without looking at the forces acting on the object (mass objects are ignored). So the distance the object during its motion is only determined by the speed or acceleration of v and a.

Straight Irregular Motion is a straight-line motion in the horizontal direction with a velocity v fixed (the acceleration of a = 0), so that the distance S is determined only by the speed remains within a certain time.

An object is said to move straight changed irregularly if the acceleration is always constant. Acceleration is a vector quantity (quantities that have magnitude and direction). Means constant acceleration magnitude and direction of acceleration is always constant at any time. Although the magnitude of the acceleration of an object is always constant but if the direction of acceleration is always changing the acceleration of the object is not constant. And vice versa if the direction of the acceleration of an object is always constant but the magnitude of the acceleration is always changing the acceleration of the object is not constant.

About Vector (Vektor)

According to Dalton's atomic theory:
Atom is the smallest particle of an element that can not be divided up, while the element is a single substance that can not be resolved into other substances by chemical means.

While the compound is a single substance that can still be subdivided into other elements.

Ayunan KoniK (Swing)

substance is something that occupies space and memilki mass. Substance can be DaLA three states, ie, solid, liquid, and gas. Substance composed of particles that distance and freedom of motion is different. Materials can be either elements or compounds. Atom word itself was first proposed by Democritus at about 400 BC. The word atom comes dati a word-and tomos (atomos), which means it is not divided or can not be divided again.