

Download Notepad++ 5.7

Notepad + + is a free source code editor that can be used to edit various programming languages that run on Windows operating systems. Notepad + + is also supported by the work includes several tabs, so it is easy to work.
Some features of Notepad + + is:

* Tabbed document interface
* Drag and drop
* Multiple clipboard
* File comparison
* Zooming
* Filter and replace over multiple document
* Split screen editing and synchronized scrolling
* Support file such as Unicode

Download Notepad++ 5.7

Free Flash Game Download

Available in over 700 flash game which is packed in a package the size of 206 MB. This game requires complementary software that serves to make the game look smoother when played. Software is meant is the Flash player and Shockwave.

Action, Arcade, Classics, Drive, Shooting. Now, rather than lip service for too long just hundreds of flash games for free download via the link below.

Beautiful, Meteor Rain in Europe

Stone ruins of the burned red with a long tail, so, tens of meteors seen falling in the sky europe. For astronomy fans, this is a highly anticipated moment.

Astronomy enthusiasts in Europe enjoy the 'scenery amazing' when a Perseid meteor shower reached its peak on the second night.

According to the United States space agency (Nasa), the meteor shower is producing 80 meteors per hour. "Great crescent moon will disappear before the meteor shower is active so that the sky is ideal for watching meteor," NASA said on Sunday (15 / 8). Astronomy enthusiasts in the UK and U.S. have taken photos of this meteor-meteor fallen to earth.

Muro, Web Based Sketch Application

The residents of deviantART, a website is very well known for hosting a variety of images created by fairies and vampires gothic art students, took out a drawing tool or browser-based applications debutant image. Application drawings are made entirely with web standards.

Muro, thus the name of the application, able to operate in all modern browsers. You can dive in and start drawing a blank canvas, all without Flash or other plug-ins. There are some brushes that can be used for each person. However, for accessing more advanced features you will need to create an account on deviantART, and logging in to it.

Special Watches for Blind People

Time is money, so said the rich people. So many people who can not be separated from the clock. Many people have never been able to remove his watch. But what about the blind?

It is sometimes very difficult for blind people to be able to know the exact time, because during this time many companies have not issued a specific hour watches for the blind. But now the timing is no longer an obstacle for the blind, because it recently was pioneered an hour devoted to the blind.

Which Browser Do You Use Past Ready To HTML5?

HTML version of the fifth era was on the verge of the eye. In the HTML version 5, new features were added, ranging from coding HTML5 sentence, in the canvas, the function of the drag-and-drop files, sticking audio and video, and much more. So the question is, whether we are using a browser that is ready to run an HTML version 5? When the browser still has various levels of support for the HTML 5 standard, the developers have started to broaden the scope of the use of web languages, began with a burglary attempt, experimental and demonstration of proof concept HTML5 performance.

Emergency Solutions when Ubuntu Crash

However a system no one is perfect. There's always a shortage that could occur. Every system will experience a limit process when the system is forced to work overload. For Windows users often experience when working excessive system failure which is often called the 'Crash' or 'hangs'. In ubuntu linux this can also occur. For windows users, to address this combination is done by pressing CTRL + ALT + DEL. But in Linux OS it can not be done. For linux, how to emergencies that can be done is to log into the Linux terminal, by pressing CTRL + ALT + F1, login menggunkan your account and then restart the linux with the command:
sudo shutdown -r now.

How to Conserve Memory Computers For Ubuntu Users

As Ubuntu users are advised that this OS require substantial memory. However, there are ways that can be done so that we can save computer memory using the Ubuntu OS. way is to reduce application startup in Ubuntu.

Am I Pregnant? Know the Symptoms of Pregnancy

Are you pregnant? Real evidence can be seen on a pregnancy test. But you can expect or hope that you are pregnant, even before you menstruate late, if you experience one or more signs and symptoms of pregnancy. Here are the signs that can be seen in the first weeks after you become pregnant.

Breast pain, swelling.

One of the physical changes experienced during pregnancy is the change in the breast. Your breasts will feel heavy, sore or tender to the touch. Or it can also feel more full and more severe. In the first two weeks after the pregnancy begins, your breasts start growing and changing as a preparation for producing milk. The main cause of this change is the increased production of hormones estrogen and progesterone. Changes in your breasts will be seen more clearly if you are pregnant for the first time.

Maternity Clothes Tips

Who says pregnant women can not look stylish? With an increasingly enlarged belly, it was incorporated two women look more sexy. Even so, let me uncomfortable, there are several steps that must be considered when you choose clothes pregnant. Tipsnya following:

Select a fashion model pregnant stay up to date. Pregnant, does not mean you can not follow the trend was not it? That way your performance will still look stylish.

1. Should select a dress size that can be adapted to the shape of the body that will be increasingly larger. Models with rubber in the chest and the rope can be adjusted with ukuruan body, could be the right option. As a result, you can be comfortable when wearing it.

Pregnancy Tips In Travel


1. Choose the location most convenient seat, for example, you can straighten the foot.
2. Make sure the belts have been installed properly.
3. Bring a small pillow to support your back.
4. Wear comfortable clothing that absorbs sweat, loose and do not forget also that must be comfortable shoes.
5. Break every two hours. Stop the car then lakukanperegangan around the car. Relax for a moment to eat, drink and urinate.

FreeMake, Simple Video Conversion application but Reliable

Digital video production is no stranger to internet users. Especially for users of youtube. Video is no longer only be played with just one platform. With the advent of video conversion application, a video can be played in various formats. Even now been scattered a free video conversion application to be downloaded. one of them is Freemake. Application of this one is not only limited as a video conversion application into a certain format, but also turn it into a platform audio such as MP3, WMA and FLAC.

As with other video conversion application, FreeMake is designed to make users through a simple operation. Users can simply put the file and then converted hedak choose the form or format of the desired file. But unfortunately, the Apple platform specific files can not be fulfilled.

Speeding Things Deaths

When and where we die is God's business, just trying to Humans. However, given the human mind by God in order to research something and knotted it. So sometimes, thrusting a research scientist, for human life so much better.

Here is the conclusion of Henry S. Lodge, MD, author of "Younger Next for Women", on matters relating to the death.

Sleeping less than 7-8 hours a day
Sleeping less than six hours a night and you are likely to die earlier 12 percent higher than those who sleep for six to eight hours. Sleeping less than seven hours interfere with hormones that regulate hunger, causing weight gain and other problems associated with it.

Drawing with Ipad or Iphone

Would you like to draw? Often works of art and express your feeling through a painting? Advances in technology also took part in the arts. Now with the iPad or iPhone, we can create images like wearing a canvas. How to draw with ipad or iPhone? This is a video that shows how to draw with iPad bagaiamna or Iphone.

HP CEO Mark Hurd Backward

TEMPO Interaktif, Jakarta - Tempest struck the king of the world's No. 1 computer, Hewlett Packard (HP). Because of being hit by a sex scandal, HP Chief Executive Officer Mark Hurd resign from his post Friday, August 6, 2010.

HP's press release says an internal investigation found the fact that Hurd was not involved in policy making sexually harassing. But Hurd is considered to violate the code of ethics.

Because of this scandal, HP shares (HPQ) fell 9 percent while direct trade were opened an hour. HP is making a negative image of stockbrokers worry.

HP executives who refused to be named, said Hurd - who has been married - could not explain the relationship with a beautiful woman hired by HP to handle the marketing field. He repeatedly submitted inaccurate reports expense accounts in an effort to keep the relationship secret, HP.

"This issue of honesty and integrity," said Michael Holston HP advisors when speaking in a meeting with investors and stock analysts.

Hurd is quoted in a press release Fortune, said, "I admit I did not run the principles of honesty, trust and integrity that exist in HP,"

For a while, the position of CEO will be taken over by the Chief Financial Officer, Cathie Lesjak.

Dead When Playing Football

Death is always haunt many people. But jik atelah comes time to die, die a person wherever located. The following are videos, soccer players who died while playing football.

Top Amazing Videos

Amazing video. Some people say this video is funny, but for me the opposite. Many of these videos are scary.

Soal Fisika Bg. 2

Soal-soal Fisika Bagain 2 dapat dibaca melalui link berikut ini:

Al-Kindi (يعقوب بن اسحاق الكندي) (born: 801 - died: 873), could be said was the first philosopher who was born from Islamic circles. During his life, besides can speak Arabic, he is also fluent in Greek. Many of the works of philosophers Yunaniditerjemahkannya in Arabic, among other works of Plotinus Aristotelesdan. Unfortunately there is a work that translated Plotinus as essays by Aristotle and berjudulkan Theology of Aristotle, so that in future there is little confusion.

Rumus Umum Limit Trigonomteri

Greece, 287-212 BC

Archimedes learn the mathematics, physics and has made many discoveries. He discovered the principle of the lever that can move heavy objects with little effort. He demonstrated this principle by moving the vessel by means of a lever. Eucildes said, "When I was given a long enough lever, and leverage point, I can move the earth."

Euclid uses the knowledge of density to find that the crown made for the king was not made with pure gold. He also studied the circle and find a formula for the circumference of a circle (2πr) and area of a circle (πr2).

In a saga as old Archimedes, the Greek was defeated by the Romans. When the enemy soldiers into his home and he was studying in my room that drew a circle on the floor, he shouted, "Do not walk all over my ring!" But the soldiers did not care about Archimedes shouting instead stabbed him to death.

Rumus Limit Aljabar Tak Tentu

Greece, 582-493 BC

Although Pythagoras was a philosopher, but he also studied music and other sciences. He was born in Greece and then to Egypt and Babylonia to learn.

Pythagoras is famous theses explaining that in a right triangle, the square of the hypotenuse equals the sum square of the other sides. Right-angled triangle which sides are proportional to 3: 4: 5 is the basis of mathematical theorem to calculate the angles in a triangle a2 + b2 = c2 and was first used by skelter rope in Egypt to the ground with ropes bersimpul. According to legend, he found the proposition that when he was studying composition bersegitiga floor at the home of a friend.

In another story, when he was passing through a smithy he got the idea from different types of sound produced by a hammer blow. That the shorter the handle of the hammer higher frequency tones are generated. Using this idea he was creating the kinds of harps and flutes.

Jailbreak iPhone 4

zonaponsel - Comex finally released a tool to Jailbreak iPhone. Tool jailbreak from this Comex has indeed been long awaited by enthusiasts iPhone 4.

Jailbreak iPhone 4 Tool  of this Comex, called JailbreakMe. Not only for the iPhone 4, JailbreakMe also worked for the old iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. You can visit redmondpie to view devices supported by JailbreakMe.

To run JailbreakMe quite easy. Users only need to access the address or through the Safari browser on the device.

How To Jailbreak iPhone 3G

Jailbreak iPhone 3G is very risky, because if there is a failure might be your equipment can be damaged or die. Here is a quick way to jailbreak your iPhone. This paper is only as an introduction only, the following ways, according to its author intended as a source of knowledge.

For the record: You do not need jailblreak your iphone, to be able to add and install new applications or various other interesting programs for your iPhone. You can install programs or applications through the apps store. All you need is an iTunes account to be able to start the download and install applications from the apps store.

Starcraft II, Could Destroy Computers - Although it has been officially released, but some gamers still have a loyal playing StarCraft II beta. However, caution must be taken, reportedly the game can damage computer components.
The report arises from some gamers who are eager to play StarCraft II beta. Reportedly, besutan Blizzard strategy game that players can make the graphics card overheating.
rendering system in the game StarCraft II beta suspected as triggers of excessive heat ongraphics card.

Blue and Yellow Lobster , 2 The Rare Species

What a surprise three fishermen who were caught lobster to be presented in one of the posh restaurant. They even hardly believe their eyes when he saw a blue lobster caught in the nets.

Bev Cregeen, John Williams and Wayne Pearson who was going to sea off the coast of the Isle of Man, a small island near the UK, then decided to separate the blue lobster is not to be cooked.

According to experts, there is only one among the two million lobsters are blue. That happened because the genetic defect that makes them produce too much protein.

 While in Rhode Island Narragansett Bay, found a yellow lobster.

Lobsterman Denny Ingram says he found the lobster in one of his pots the bay's East Passage last week. Ini adalah kuning emas di atas dan terang di kedua sisinya. It is golden on the top and bright yellow on both sides.
Para ahli mengatakan fitur genetik sangat jarang, terjadi pada sekitar 1 dari 30.000.000 lobster. Experts say the genetic feature is very rare, occurring in about 1 in 30 million lobsters.

Sightseeing in Space?, Easy

No need to plane-Apollo, to be able to see the surface of the moon from close quarters. No need to surf the cost of space. How? just sit in front of your Pc. If we try to find on the internet, we would find so much space simulation applications / software astonomi. Many of which can be downloaded for free. Applications are available there is a planetarium, some are easier to calculate the movement of celestial bodies. Some applications offer a 3D view is very interesting to watch.

About KDE and GNOME

The first desktop environment for Linux is KDE project founded by Matthias Ettrich in 1996. KDE desktop aims to provide a complete interface for Unix users.

The default window manager for KDE is KWm. KDE installed together with a file manager called Konqueror.

Due to licensing issues, a rival KDE project was established in 1997, the GNOME project.

GNOME has the same goal with KDE, but both are composed of two entirely different platform.

About X Window, Window Manager and Desktop Environment

X window is a standard GUI on Unix for over 20 years. Implementation on linux organized by the XFree86 project.

From the user side, the concept of the actual interface is very different from the concept of Microsoft Windows.

X window only provides a graphical environment, not the actual graphics display to the user. Graphic display will depend on special software called a Window Manager.

Window Manager for X which is still very simple first is TWM. Window Manager of the ever popular, especially in academic circles is FVWM, due to its stability.

Information Systems

An information system is a collection of hardware, computer software and human device will process the data, using hardware and software. Information system without any data to be processed will also be useless. The data will be included in an information system can be either the forms, procedures and other data forms.

Information system in its application are also experiencing a tida cycle never stops. System development cycle is the thematic clusters of activities from design analysis of the information system implemented for the development of systems that consist of activities: initial penyeldidikan, determining system requirements, system prototype development, system design, implementation and evaluation.