

Soal Fisika Bg. 2

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Al-Kindi (يعقوب بن اسحاق الكندي) (born: 801 - died: 873), could be said was the first philosopher who was born from Islamic circles. During his life, besides can speak Arabic, he is also fluent in Greek. Many of the works of philosophers Yunaniditerjemahkannya in Arabic, among other works of Plotinus Aristotelesdan. Unfortunately there is a work that translated Plotinus as essays by Aristotle and berjudulkan Theology of Aristotle, so that in future there is little confusion.

Al-Kindi from among the nobility, from Iraq. It stems from the tribe Kindah, lives in Basra and died in Baghdad in the year 873. He was a major figure from Arab nations who became followers of Aristotle, which has influenced the concept of al-Kindi in the various doctrines of thought in science and psychology.

Al-Kindi wrote many works in various fields, geometry, astronomy, astrology, arithmetic, music (which he built from various prinip aritmatis), physics, medicine, psychology, meteorology, and politics.
He distinguishes between the active intellect with intellect passive intellect diaktualkan of form itself. Discursive argument and demonstrative action he regarded as the influence of the third and fourth intellect. In ontology he tried to retrieve the parameters of existing categories, which he introduced in five parts: substance (content), shape, motion, place, time, which he referred to as the primary substance.

Al Kindi collect various encyclopedic works of philosophy, which was then finalized by Ibn Sina (Avicenna), a century later. He was also first in dealing with a variety of cruel acts and torture which was launched by the nobles of the various religious-orthodox thinking is considered heresy, and in such tragic circumstances (of the great thinkers of Islam), al Kindi can liberate themselves from violent efforts that orthodox nobles.