Special Watches for Blind People

Time is money, so said the rich people. So many people who can not be separated from the clock. Many people have never been able to remove his watch. But what about the blind?

It is sometimes very difficult for blind people to be able to know the exact time, because during this time many companies have not issued a specific hour watches for the blind. But now the timing is no longer an obstacle for the blind, because it recently was pioneered an hour devoted to the blind.

Which Browser Do You Use Past Ready To HTML5?

HTML version of the fifth era was on the verge of the eye. In the HTML version 5, new features were added, ranging from coding HTML5 sentence, in the canvas, the function of the drag-and-drop files, sticking audio and video, and much more. So the question is, whether we are using a browser that is ready to run an HTML version 5? When the browser still has various levels of support for the HTML 5 standard, the developers have started to broaden the scope of the use of web languages, began with a burglary attempt, experimental and demonstration of proof concept HTML5 performance.

Emergency Solutions when Ubuntu Crash

However a system no one is perfect. There's always a shortage that could occur. Every system will experience a limit process when the system is forced to work overload. For Windows users often experience when working excessive system failure which is often called the 'Crash' or 'hangs'. In ubuntu linux this can also occur. For windows users, to address this combination is done by pressing CTRL + ALT + DEL. But in Linux OS it can not be done. For linux, how to emergencies that can be done is to log into the Linux terminal, by pressing CTRL + ALT + F1, login menggunkan your account and then restart the linux with the command:
sudo shutdown -r now.

How to Conserve Memory Computers For Ubuntu Users

As Ubuntu users are advised that this OS require substantial memory. However, there are ways that can be done so that we can save computer memory using the Ubuntu OS. way is to reduce application startup in Ubuntu.