

Backpacker Travelling Tips

Bored with leisure activities that-that's it? Going by plane, check in at the hotel or motel, visiting museums or shopping malls and enjoy dinner at a fancy restaurant might have become a normal thing when traveling.

If you are traveling agendas tend to be boring, why not try a little challenge? Backpacker-style travel occasionally try to bring crude supplies.

Backpacker-style travel is at greater risk than a way to travel in general. Therefore, there are six things you need to know when I want to travel backpacker style, quoted from Helium:

1. Research
It's good if you do some research first region or country to be visited. Learn the language of the country, but you do not have to understand it fully. Enough to know some of the most basic phrases, like 'hello', 'goodbye', 'thank you', 'please', 'excuse me' or 'do you speak English? ". This will allow you to ask for information to local residents. Local people will also feel valued if there are strangers who know their language, although only slightly.

Recognize also the customs and cultures in places you visit. Every country has the etiquette of each of the things that are prohibited or allowed in their territory. The more you know, will further facilitate your backpacking trip. Find out routine activities in the country or region, such as festivals or traditional activities.

2. Invite Friends
When backpacking, it would be more exciting if you take two or three friends. In addition to seseruan together, the experience gained will be more interesting and you certainly will not be alone when lost in the middle of nowhere.

3. If necessary Bring Goods
Practicality and convenience are the most important thing to bacpacker when packing. Simply bring the packing supplies 'travel size'. You do not need to carry large packages of toothpaste, or a large bottle of shampoo and liquid soap. Small bars of soap would be more practical than liquid soap was taken.

4. Clothing and Shoes
A backpackers are advised not to bring too many clothes, which means, you have to frequently wash it while traveling. Therefore, bring clothing that dries quickly after washing. Also make sure you bring comfortable clothing and practical subject.

For shoes, be sure to take comfort when walking away, long standing or running. You need to bring three pairs of shoes: sandals waterproof, flat shoes or kitten heels to visit the club or shopping center and a comfortable sneaker.

5. Do Transfixed in Comfort Zone
When being a backpacker, you must be open-minded and respect people. When traveling with money and makeshift equipment, you probably will encounter some obstacles. You have to deal with a patient and calm because it's where seninnya backpacker-style vacation. Try the good lines of communication with other backpackers and locals local. Maybe some of them were acting strange or unpleasant but avoid being defensive and a lot of arguments.

6. Dare to Take Risks
The most interesting part of traveling is an adventure. Do not be afraid to take risks, but still calculate everything carefully. For example, you could try to explore the historic sites go into areas that are rarely visited by people or try the unique and distinctive culinary in the country you are visiting. However, always be wary of where you are and with whom you shared. Avoid things that interfere with concentration, such as drinking too much that makes you drunk.

Natural Ways to Grow Hair In Instant

There are many promising products for beautiful hair and thick. But, before buying expensive products, you should consider it. Try the following home-based product, which is not less effective to make hair grow faster. Quoted from Medic magic, four solutions with a material that can be found in the house below, effective to grow hair.

Olive oil
Useful products that can be found in almost any kitchen is olive oil. Olive oil not only enhances the process of hair growth, but also can nourish your scalp condition. Put four to five drops of olive oil after shampooing, then massage the scalp. Instead, make the night so zaitu absorbed oil content of the scalp. In the morning, wash your hair until clean.

Another way to grow hair is with egg yolk. Apply egg yolk on the hair and scalp. Then, massage the scalp for 10 to 15 minutes. After that, wash your hair with shampoo to clean, so as not to leave the fishy smell of the hair. It's good, do this process three to four times a week.

Coconut milk
One of the most popular technique used to enhance hair growth is the application of coconut milk into the scalp. Apply 300 to 500 ml coconut milk into the scalp and hair, cover hair with warm towel and let stand for 15 to 20 minutes. Then rinse with cold water. By doing this treatment, the hair will also become more soft and shiny. When done regularly, can be seen significant results in hair growth. Do this process three to four times a week.

Coconut oil
Dandruff can inhibit hair growth. To get rid of dandruff and hair grow faster, you could rubbing coconut oil on the scalp to the hair. Make sure all the hair root exposed to coconut oil. If this process is done every day, then within 15 days, dandruff will disappear and will get strong hair roots, so that hair growth can be faster.

Delicious Foods That Can Reduce Weight

Losing weight does not mean you can not enjoy a delicious meal. Here is a unique way to pamper your taste buds without making fat and stay healthy of course.

Shrimp Cocktail
Shrimp is a food which is the source of protein (8 calories), which can speed up metabolism and keep you full for several hours. At other times when you want to eat out for dinner, start with an appetizer of shrimp cocktail Shrimp cocktail alias.

If you want to cook it at home, the sauce used is very easy. Simply mix 1 teaspoon of tomato sauce with 1 teaspoon of Tabasco (to make more varied taste, add lemon or add a little feeling spicy sauce)

Spicy Chicken Salad
Adding a very spicy sauce that can make eating a slow tempo. So you will be full sooner. For a simple lunch, prepare any chicken salad. How, to prepare 1 piece of chicken breast that has been diced, 1-2 teaspoons low-fat mayonnaise, hot sauce to intrigue, and some vegetables into the composition of the salad in the kitchen. Serve with some lettuce and a glass of white water course.

Pumpkin Pudding
Custard cream has less calories than 150 calories and this can help you lose weight. Combine 180 ml non-fat vanilla yogurt with half cup of fresh pumpkin that has been mashed or blended and a little cinnamon. Pumpkin will be mixed with yogurt (rich in protein and nutrients) and will produce large amounts of fiber. Mixture of protein and fiber in the stomach will make it full. So you do not need to chew food again for the next few hours.

Vegetable Soup
Research has shown that eating a bowl of vegetable soup that is rich in fiber, can reduce 20% the number of calories contained in the body. Soups able to eliminate hunger and capable of filling quickly, so you can eat main meals with smaller portions.

Cucumber Salad, Tomato and Onion
Try the classic version of the Mediterranean salad is low in calories. Prepare one cucumber, one tomato, red onion and a half. Then mix all the vegetables had been with Vinegarette (a mixture of oil and vinegar with mustard and
garlic) or with vinegar, plus 1 teaspoon olive oil. This salad has the amount of calories of less than 150 calories. This is because the high water content in the salad ingredients. Examples of low calorie cucumber and topped as a food that is able to reduce weight.

Ginger green tea
enjoy a cup of low-calorie tea can relieve stress after a long day. As a bonus, the study said, drinking green tea may speed up your metabolism. Combine your green tea with a piece of ginger for a flavor enhancer.

7 Most Beautiful and Fascinating Aquarium in the World

UShaka Marine World

Africa's largest aquarium - UShaka Marine World, located along the coastal plains between settlement limits and the port in Durban. KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa; a charming amusement park and in addition also as the 5th largest aquarium with 32 tanks of water. Marine animals which can be found from tiny seahorses to sharks and dolphins. Akurium is intentionally designed to look like part of a sunken ship cabin.

AquaDom, the Radisson Hotel Aquarium

Development of The AquaDom was inaugurated in December 2003 and cost around 12.8 million Euros. Acrylic glass cylinder was built by U.S. companies, Reynolds Polymer Technology.
Outer cylinder was assembled on site from four pieces; the inner cylinder is made in one piece elevator. The AquaDom is the largest acrylic glass cylinder in the world, with a diameter of more than 11 meters long and was built as high as 9 feet above the foundation.

Virtual Aquarium 32 Million Dollars

Feeling under the sea, that's what my friend might feel when going into one of the new mall in Beijing this stand. Because the roof canopy of 250mx30m sized LCD screens, in addition to protection from the sun's heat, guys can also see the atmosphere of a typical submarine. LCD screen 80 feet tall is a combination of 5 wide LCD screen that has 7500 square meters (as a football field area ratio is only 5500 square meters). But, do not ask the total cost of installation, the installation of LCD screens is spending $ 32 million.

Dubai aquarium in Dubai Mall

Stingrays (stingrays) are swimming in the aquarium in Dubai Mall Dubai. Have an area equal to 50 X-ball field. The Dubai Aquarium - broad, entertaining, and designed to perfection. Consisting of three decks and the glass tunnel that shows the exoticism of underwater life.

Georgia Aquarium, Atlanta

The world's largest aquarium, located in Atlanta. A stunning home for lenih than 100,000 animals and 500 different marine species. With a capacity of 8.1 million gallons (31,000 m³) of water the ocean fresh.

Churaumi Aquarium, Okinawa

Second Largest Aquarium in the World, Churaumi Aquarium, part of the Ocean Expo Commemorative National Government Park, located in Motobu, Okinawa, Japan. Capacity of 7500 m³ (1,981,290) seawater. One of the few places where visitors can see an amazing variety of sea creatures such as sharks sized rakasasa.

The Aquarium of Western Australia (AQWA)

AQWA, a world of underwater adventure that is difficult to believe that there is in Western Australia. "from the cold water to the south seas tropical paradise containing rocks and coral reefs in the North.
AQWA is the aquarium which was officially opened as the World Underwater (Underwater World) Perth on 13 April 1988 and the acquisition by the owner who is now a new, Coral World International and Morris Kahn, in 1991. Later changed its name to the present (AQWA) on January 1, 2001. This facility has accommodated approximately 400 species of marine animals.

Beauty Secrets for Women in Different Countries


Clean skin glow of Swedish women because they enjoy a diet of fruit and fish. In addition they are also diligent sauna bath. To moisturize the skin can use a sauna with the aroma of green tea and eucalyptus leaf oil mixture is added olive oil


Japan? The secret of seaweed and fish! Two of these foods will stimulate the skin and make skin supple, healthy and bright.


Spanish women also have beautiful hair. They are diligent in washing their hair with cranberry juice extract.


Israeli women love to do a ritual detox to remove toxins in the body. The trick? mix 1 / 4 cup salt (sea) bath, a tip tablespoon kelp powder, 1 / 2 cup olive oil and 10-15 drops of lavender oil. Voila, created as a scrub once a week.


Beautiful hair? Yes, Italian women for example. The trick? Combine 1 cup plain yogurt with 1 teaspoon olive oil. Rinse the hair and let sit for 5 minutes. Rinse with cold water.


France is famous for women who like to treat yourself to a salon. Ranging from facials to massage and scrub. Other way? using a mixture of Cherry and Pomegranate fruit. Blend and apply on face. Let stand for 5-6 minutes. Now your skin will be more bright and humid.


Greek women's skin is the best type of skin ever. They have good skin pigment and is less susceptible to attacks due to sun spots. The secret? They like to eat fish and consume fish oils rich in omega 3 and 6 are good for skin elasticity. Another secret? Olive oil or fruit directly.


Women in rural Australia, especially Aboriginal people have a ritual using yarrow flower roots to eliminate and prevent stretch marks on the skin. Root extract is also able to make skin soft and combat swelling.


Chilean women are exotic skin looked healthy and was very simple secret that is diligently eating antioxidant-rich wine. Other way? fruit puree of red wine and add 2 tablespoons of flour powder and apply to face as a mask let stand for 10 minutes and rinse face with cold water.

Dominican Republic

Women of this country have a healthy and strong nails. The secret? Garlic! Puree the garlic and place in airtight bottles for 7-10 days. After that garlic can be used for seasoning foods as well as to mask the nail (so shiny and strong).


Queen Cleopatra was already known to have an incomparable beauty. Women who conquered many hearts he was pleased milk baths to rejuvenate the skin and discard the layer of dead skin. Add 2 cups of whole milk in your bath water well so that added beautiful skin.