

Pranav Mistry, The genius of the Indian Inventors 6th Sense Technology

When viewing a video presentation about this new technology I have come to stare, like an ancient stone age man who saw the first computer. How not? As a practitioner of hardware and software self-taught (if I may call myself that) I always follow the development of information technology and computing. However, the technology that this one really impressed me!

This latest technology called "6'th Sense Technology" or the Sixth Sense Technology. The inventor was a genius from India who is also a famous engineer graduated from MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) was named Pranav Mistry. Pranav by genius has created a tool that combines body movement (gesture) to the world of digital computing. With this technology we can do anything without having to use different tools and without having to be in front of the computer.

The initial idea of this technological discovery is: how we can still perform daily activities easily without having to carry lots of digital equipment such as cameras, cell phones, or laptops, can connect online at the same time continuously to receive and seek information.

As demonstrated by Pranav, with the technology he was able to just phoned with the palm of the hand without a cell phone, take pictures with just a fingertip without the camera, see my book reviews, see the delay on the plane ticket, or Google's open Internet access on a piece of paper, reading the newspaper with animation online, and even ... the transfer of data or text just by menjumput and put it into a computer monitor!

1. Camera: Webcam capture the object in front of and tracking of user's hand movements. Data sent to the smart phone.

2. Colored finger marks: The finger marks are red, yellow, green, and blue which helps the camera capture hand movements. (On the development of this technology Pranav Mistry has created a body motion recognition algorithms so that one day no longer needed colored marks on the finger)

3. Projector: A projector that uses LEDs (light emiting diode) displays the data sent from smart phones to any surface in front of the user's position. Can be wall, paper, hands, or people. Currently Pranav are designing to make a laser projector to a higher sharpness.

4. Smart Phone: A smart phone that is connected to the Web will process the video data using imaging algorithms to identify objects. A special software other make searching the Web for 'translate' hand movements.

How does it work? Patty Maes, the Pranav professor explains that the way these devices work by image and character recognition (image and character recognition). The main tools are hung on the chest consists of a webcam, mini projectors, mirrors, and smart phones. While at the tip of the index finger and thumb both hands placed colored cap (colored sign), which consists of four different colors, red, green, yellow and blue.

The camera identifies the image, face, or text, as well as recognize the movement of the second command ends the index finger and thumb. The projector used to display interface (instead of the monitor) as well as displaying certain data that will be projected onto any media began to walls, paper, until the palm of the hand. While smart phones are used for voice communication and data access with the Web (see picture above).

According to Patty device technology is still a prototype, and it cost no more than $ 350. If the mass-production plans materialize almost certainly much cheaper price with a more simple design and futuristic.

Most Romantic Places in the World

1. Paris

Who the hell are not familiar with the romance of Paris? city ​​for lovers with good food, wine and feel pleasant. Romantic dinner with a beautiful candle near the Eiffel Tower, walk along the Champs Elysees bergandengen or picnic in the park. Paris gave the romance and beauty for couples who fall in love over the centuries.

2. Hawaii

It turned out that Hawaii is the honeymoon destination city in the world, especially among Americans. Whether you are in Maui, or other major islands in Hawaii, this place has always offered the best choice in the morning mate. Beaches and tropical forests, luxury hotel rooms, sports, and many interesting things in the wild!

3. St. Thomas

The city is located in the Virgin Islands, and is a famous coastal city by a range of beautiful beaches and interesting places to shop. The city is filled with hotels that can accommodate couples or even families. In this city also created a limit to the number of parties and party participants, so you will have no trouble if you want to cuddle with your partner!

4. Venice

Travel by gondola on the canals of this city has become a romantic symbol of this city. The trip by sitting close to the couple and in awe to see the beautiful city. Romantic dinner at Italian restaurant with a variety of interesting twists and turns that sometimes takes you to beautiful romantic church. Venice is a place that will make you fall in love and fall in love again.

5. Tahiti

Quiet strip located in the South Pacific, with a beautiful beach bungalows, which lets you swim in the morning calm. Relax on white sand with beautiful palm trees with the hotel employees are ready to help you whatever and whenever. Magnificent scenery at sunset will also not be forgotten easily!

6. Belize

Belize is a wonderful place for couples. The island is located in the center of this reef will make everyone forget the couple because many beaches to be 'privately owned' by the water filled with colorful reef fish will accompany you. You are afraid to swim? not a problem, beautiful beaches and palm trees bergorang awaits you!

7. Maldives

23 islands located in the middle of Ocean Indonesia is one of heaven on earth. Coral islands are very little above the sea surface, and clusters of coral surrounding the island is teeming with life. Small country is indeed beautiful and romantic is the most fitting place for a romantic life.

8. Seychelles

Ocean archipelago in Indonesia is actually located off the coast of Africa and is the most relaxing places in the world. Life of an exotic and tranquil shades will always be waiting for you and your partner. Golf course, spa, fishing trips and fresh tropical drinks will make a pair of honeymooners will not want to return to their home country again.

9. Bruges

The ancient city with a medieval setting in Brussels this is the best way to escape from all the noise of the city. This quiet little town to maintain the condition of the city remained like this condition in the medieval city. The streets are lined with rocks, and small cafes in the open air will make you feel back to medieval times, complete with a variety of romantic and beautiful thing, minus the trouble and fuss.

10. Tuscany

A region full of vineyards, villas, and small towns of Italy, will make you feel like being in a romantic way. You can stay in a historic villa, with the best food and you can bike around the vineyards of your choice and the best wine to drink anyway. If you are in this place, surely you will understand why some people did not want to go back when I got in this place. In short, nothing is more beautiful and romantic in Italy than Tuscany.