

Types of Tea and The Benefits

Green Tea:, including the type of tea is so popular because:
The benefits are great for our bodies, antioxidants and kuta catechins contained therein can help kill the virus, boost the immune system, can also slow the effects of premature aging.

Peppermint tea is a type of tea is useful for those with digestive problems, because:
This tea may be helpful, this is because it contains antispasmodia and peppermint can facilitate digestion. This tea is completely free of caffeine ..

Black Tea, this type of tea that often we eat, which turned out to also have benefits, because:
This tea, have polyhenol content can prevent cancer and heart disease, high cholesterol and infections.

Camomile Tea, Tea type to be able to get rid of anxiety, because:
This tea contains valerianic acid believed to calm the anxiety and help fast asleep, on the other hand for those who have problems with acne, this type of tea is good for consumption because Germany chamomile can cure acne.

Ginger tea, there are many benefits of ginger tea is also with this, because:
Tea contains antioxidants that help prevent cancer and heal flu-like symptoms and abdominal pain ..

The benefits of each tea will actually feel when we are in taking it well adapted to the rules of usage and instructions for use, so that indeed we get the benefits rather than vice versa.