

Take Wisdom between ann and leaf louse

Ann is animal that have been immortalized by God in the Qur'an in chapter(suroh) An Naml. God mentions at this this chapter in order take lesson from ann life. Anns live gather in the ground, make hole and multistoried rooms that are used for home and place for storing food in winter. Neatnes and dicipline inside ann kingdom is a part that must be followed by human. Anns have ability to cooperate with other animal, one of them is leaf louse.

One certain kind of ann and leaf lousehave relation that is called symbiosis. In the symbiosis, different kind of animals helped each other. Leaf louse is little animal by slow movement, living in plants and eating nectar. Nectar is sucked from tree trunk with his mouth. when it is dissolved, nectar change becomeswet matter that is called honey dew. Then honeydew is secreted pass through cornicula. The honey dew is pleasure food fro red ann. By raising  louses, The ann already have food reserve. To protecting honey dew, anns take note of their louse. For example, anns move the leaf louse to place where there is much nectar, when the place is over full, anns will move leaf louse to loose place. Anns attack insect that try to eat leaf louse.

The story between ann and leaf louse is called effectivitas by stephen R Covey. It is equilibrium between production and ability of production. In the story Anns do effective measure.

In the busine we often look for short range result by damaging ability of production or physical assets. Example car, computer, telephone fax, more over our body and our evironmental. We rarely to take care it. After assets damaged, we aware that it is key asset. Whereas costs for reapiring it is more expensive than taking care it.