

Copywriting for the Web

The simple copywriting can mean to "write your ad." Copywriting is a job that was quite interesting, that not everyone can do it because it requires creativity in thinking. I think the hardest part is when the thinking and imagination to find the right words to be used in advertising. That is a word that can attract attention and informative words. On this occasion it would be difakuskan on copywriting for the web.

Many people also think that writing the copy on the web it's easy enough, but in reality, so what he wrote was pretty good, it seballiknya. It takes a different understanding between writing copy on the print media on the internet or the website. Several Ahal to note is that the ways in which a person in reading a passage on the internet, unlike the current reading on print media. At least there are 3 things that affect a user / reader separately reacted in a web page, namely "

  1. User is active, not passive, so that if he did not find what he was looking on the web page then immediately he would leave the page.
  2. Sometimes and very often happens, a user will leave a web page, 15 seconds after after he opened the web page.
  3. In many cases, too much writing was not good, because visitors or users do not really like reading long.

Each person who visited a website for the first time, usually several dibenaknya question arising as to whether I have been in the right place / right?, Will I find what I was looking at the website? So the most vital (In order to write a copy for the web) is to answer these questions in the headlines and Subheadline.

Therefore, as the handle base in writing copy for the web is that a writer at least understand the things above.