

About Page Rank

Page rank is a specific value (0-10) provided by google to a website, which shows its position in search engine.Semakin great PR value the better its search results pages peringkatnnya on google search.

To view the page rank of a website can use tools made dnegan google how to install google toolbar on your computer. Natinya after installed the google toolbar will appear at the top of the browser.

To download it in to see the page rank, page rank dispaly click on the option you will see a small green bar on web pages.
But unfortunately google does not provide a real Page Rank. page rank is visible on the toolbar is not up to date page rank that is page rank 3 months ago because he said googlemenjaga strict secret data.

Separately to check the page rank is more accurate to use the tools at
Want to explore on the page rank, do not forget to - bookmark the blog 'Mart on PR', namely's blog Matt Cutts (a Google engineer famous)