

10 Prediction of Experts, About Internet Evolution

1. More and more people use the internet.
Based on data from Internet World Stats (IWS), the world's total Internet users has now reached 1.7 billion people. Try to compare with the overall population of people around the world, amounting to 6.7 billion people. No doubt, in 2020 will be more and more people who will have Internet access. National Science Foundation, even predicting that Internet users will be exploded to five billion people.

2. Internet increasingly eliminate geographical boundaries
Internet growth in the next 10 years will come largely from developing countries are in areas currently considered to have very low levels of Internet penetration. According to the IWS, including potential areas of Africa which currently has Internet penetration of 6.8 percent, 19.4 percent Asian and the Middle East with a percentage of 28.3 percent. This trend means that by 2020 the Internet will not only reach the remote areas around the world but also the 'merged' the population of various countries.

3. Internet more than a network, it's no longer just a computer
Based on data from the CIA World Factbook 2009, currently there are 575 million internet internet connected computer. Another survey agency, NSF predicts that within the next few years, internet connection will not only be obtained through the computer, billions building will allow us to to a high in the virtual world. Analysts estimate the number of Internet-connected buildings will be more than the number of users of the Internet itself.

4. Internet will bring a capacity content exabytes even zettabytes
The experts mentioned the term 'exaflood' to refer to the growth of the amount of data very quickly, which is transferred through the Internet. Cisco estimates that in 2012 the global Internet traffic will rise to 44 exabytes per month, twice the Internet traffic today.

5. Wireless Internet will be increasingly
The number of mobile broadband subscribers in the world today booming, reaching 257 million in the second quarter of 2009. This figure represents a growth of consumer 3G, WiMAX and high speed data access service with others as much as 85 percent. In 2014, analysts predict there will be approximately 2.5 billion people who subscribe to mobile broadband services.

6. More and more Internet-based services
Experts agree that in the next few years there will be more cloud-based services (cloud computing) or internet based. Terbartu study from Telecom Trends International estimates that cloud computing will increase revenues up to USD45, 5 billion in 2015.

7. The Internet will increasingly 'green'
Internet Operations currently consume too much energy, and experts agree that in the future architecture of the Internet requires more energy efficiency.

8. Network management will be more automated
Apart from the weak security, the internet's biggest weakness right now is less mapannya network management techniques. That's why, one of the institutions named National Science Foundation's ambition in making the latest network management tools. With this device rebooot systems, data collection and other tasks can be done automatically.

9. Internet will not always depend on the connectivity that is always 'on'
With the growing number of Internet users in rural areas and those who rely on wireless communications, internet architecture requires that the user always has a connection that continues to 'on'. Instead, scientists are now developing a communication technique that can tolerate delay or communication from one user to another in a different way, especially for mobile applications. This technique will depend on a technology called inter-planetary internet protocol.

10. Internet more appealing to hackers
In 2020, there will be more hackers are attacking the internet. Currently the Internet is like the already besieged hackers. Internet security company Symantec detected a new Internet virus 1.6 million in 2008. This number has doubled from a year earlier. Experts estimate, this attack will not only more sophisticated but also will more menajalar in cyberspace every day.
