

Flying Car

A car that can fly is not just a dream. A private company (Terrafugia), has developed a car that can fly. Here is a picture when the car was flying.
And this is a photograph of the car while on the road.

With a technique that can be folded wing, this car can run on the road without disturbing the other vehicle.

The car is able to travel 740km at a speed of 185kph whilst up in the air, about a fifth of what a normal plane can achieve. The wings are fold-out, so when you land at the airport, you can fold them up, and then drive out of the airport. Unfortunately, you won't be allowed to just take off randomly in the middle of a road, so taking off has to be kept to airports, for the moment at least.

And there will be no need to buy special gas; it will run on a single tank of regular unleaded gas and will be released in America next year.

When on the ground, the car uses front-wheeled drive, and has a roll-cage and airbags. It will not be very economic however, with a 30mpg rate, plenty of money will have to be spent on fuel. It can however, achieve highway speeds should you wish. You also do not need to leave the vehicle to unfold or fold the wings, as it can all be done within the cockpit, like a retractable roof on a super-car.
