

Hubungan Paralel Kapasitor

New business model of electricity and energy services provider of integrated, popping up all over the world with astonishing speed. In Italy, a provider of wire electrical service to millions of homes to accommodate the network is Echelon, a U.S. company that allows you to manage home energy use via mobile phone. In Danish, a provider of electric service to sell refrigerators more efficiently to customers to reduce energy consumption long term. That way customers can economize on environmentally friendly as well.

Thirty years of the best thinkers of the past several energy industry hopes that surprising, in line with vocal critic, economist EF Schumacher. In 1873, he said that the electric energy providers to treat the limited natural resources, like fossil fuels, as revenue (income), rather than as capital (capital).

Electricity had been anesthetized humans. That may be the underlying birth of the nuclear industry, that is utopia produce cheap electricity is limitless. The problem is, when the world can find another solution to solve the energy problem is complicated.