

Gaya pada 2 kawat Sejajar (Rumus Fisika)

Modern life is one characteristic is a large consumption of electric energy. The amount of energy or electrical load that is used is determined by the reactance (R), inductance (L) and capasitansi (C). The amount of electrical energy consumption was due to many and diverse equipment (load) of electricity used. While commonly used, the electrical load is inductive and capacitive. Where inductive loads (positive) as the reactive power required on rectifier transformers, induction motors (AC) and fluorescent lamps, while the capacitive load (negative) issue of reactive power. Reactive power is not useful resources that can not be converted into energy but is needed for the transmission of electric energy at the load. So that causes waste of electrical energy is the amount of inductive equipment. Means of using electric energy turned out to customers not only burdened by the active power (kW), but also reactive power (kVAR). The sum of the two resources that will generate real power is the power supplied by PLN. If the value of the enlarged power that is usually performed by the industrial customer losses to be a great power is active power (kW) and voltages up to the consumer decreases. Thus, industrial production will decline this is certainly it should not happen to the power supply from PLN should be added that the incremental cost. Because the power is P = VI, then by increasing the amount of resources means there is a decline in prices and the rising price of V I. Thus, active power, reactive power and real power is a unitary