Bandul (pendulum)

Pendulum is bound to an object that can swing the rope and be free and periodic work became the basis of an ancient clock which has a swing. In the field of physics, this principle was first discovered in 1602 by Galileo Galilei, the period (the old one swing of the oscillation motion, T) is influenced by the length of the rope and the acceleration of gravity.


A thermometer is an instrument to measure temperature. Mercury thermometer is a kind of thermometer that is often used by ordinary people. Mercury used in thermometers for temperature measuring instrument can be said muainya constant coefficients so that the change in volume due to the increase or decrease in temperature is almost always the same.

The equipment consists of a capillary tube using a glass material containing mercury at the bottom. For measurement purposes, this pipe is made in such a way that the vacuum. If the temperature rises, Mercury will expand upward to the top of the pipe and provide clues about the temperature around the measuring instrument in accordance with a scale that has been determined. Temperature scale most widely used all over the world is the Celsius scale with 0 points for the freezing point and boiling point 100 to point.

Tekanan Hidrostatis

wikipedia id - Hydrostatic pressure is the pressure that occurs under water. This pressure is due to the weight of water that makes the fluid out of pressure. The pressure of a liquid depends on the depth of fluid in a gravitational space and also specify the water pressure.

This relationship is formulated as follows: "P = ρgh" where ρ is the mass density of fluid, g (10 m/s2) is the gravity, and h is the depth of the liquid.

Conduksi, Conveksi, Radiation

In biology, adaptive radiation is a process in biological evolution where one species into many in order to adapt to particular ecological niche.

Radiation is sometimes also used, inappropriately, to refer to radioactive contamination, the release of radioactive isotopes into the environment. Isotopes were then let go of ionized radiation, which can be made worse if the isotope is absorbed by plants, animals or humans, because the isotope and then remove the ionized radiation from within the organism